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lynx-dev Lynx Error

From: CPT Todd Lupien, NMMI
Subject: lynx-dev Lynx Error
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 14:25:15 -0600

Howdy Ya'll,

Since we initially installed and compiled Lynx V2.7, we've upgraded Open
VAX/VMS to V7.1, DEC C to V5.7 and Multinet to V4.1

We had been running Lynx V2.7 for sometime with no problem. We recently
upgraded DEC C and during recompilation of Lynx I get the following warning
messages for most of the modules:

$ cc DefaultStyle
        #define __TIME_T 1
%CC-W-MACROREDEF, The redefinition of the macro "__TIME_T" conflicts with a
 current definition because the replacement lists differ.  The redefinition is
 now in effect.
                At line number 319 in

Lynx does recompile but during execution pressing the "H" key will produce the
following stack dump. Using the older version of the executeable runs fine.!?

Getting file://localhost/disk3/internet/lynx/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000,
=000924E1, PSL=03C00000G)o M)ain screen Q)uit /=search [delete]=history list
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name                     line       rel PC    abs PC

HTVMSUTILS      HTStat                          19948      0000000D  000924E1
HTFILE          HTLoadFile                      13456      00000137  00078697
HTACCESS        HTLoadDocument                  12881      00000284  000843A8
HTACCESS        HTLoadAbsolute                  13048      0000004C  00084794
LYGETFILE       getfile                         19415      00000AD5  00045AA5
LYMAINLOOP      mainloop                        21613      0000046D  00054CD5
LYMAIN          main                            21216      00001207  0005085B
SHELL$MATCH_WIL SHELL$MATCH_WILD                           0000010B  000B5C7B

A Fatal error has occured in Lynx Ver. 2.7

Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and if
confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list.  Bug reports should have concise
descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes the problem, the
operating system name with version number, the TCPIP implementation, the
TRACEBACK if it can be captured, and any other relevant information.

Press RETURN to clean up:

I've tried V2.8 of Lynx and receive the same thing. I've been able to get the
help to work ONLY by defineing the HELPFILE as an HTTP address.

Any help you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

Todd Lupien
Senior Programmer/Analyst
New Mexico Military Institute

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