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lynx-dev bad sites (was bug report)

From: Philip Webb
Subject: lynx-dev bad sites (was bug report)
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 23:54:25 -0400 (EDT)

981018 Sergei Markelov wrote: 
> OS = Linux on Intel  version = 2.8 rel.2 
> URL =
> Problem: On the first page you can choose a product.
> In other browsers you go directly to this page after choosing (Netscape),
> or need to press a button that is on right side (Opera, Ariadna).
> In lynx I was unable to press this button.

the problem is that the site relies on Javascript, which Lynx can't use.
you can get around the problem by entering  \  to read the source:
note the full URL you want & enter  g  to go there.
> Problem: the site is in Russian

i could make sense of the language if i could get the right characters ...

> on the first page there is a list of news
> & near each item is written a time when it came.
> In Netscape you are able to click on any news string,
> but Lynx does not think it is a link.
this is a different problem entirely, bad HTML:
there's an  <LI>  within the  <A> ... </A> , which offends normal Lynx.
to get around this, execute  lynx -tagsoup ,
which tries to handle this type of badly written site: it works for me.
you could send a polite note to the author too.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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