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Re: lynx-dev LYNX: Missing stuff, and no hint it is gone:

From: David Woolley
Subject: Re: lynx-dev LYNX: Missing stuff, and no hint it is gone:
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 22:51:59 +0100 (BST)

>  The term <IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="_1940_tex2html_wrap2368.xbm"> <IMG ALI
> +GN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="_1940_tex2html_wrap2370.xbm"> is

This is legal but badly designed HTML.  Lynx is rendering it correctly,
but it should have had something between the "" in the ALT attributes to 
be useful in text mode.  Having no ALT attribute is no longer legal, but
the intent was to force users or authoring tools to provide text rather
than simply let them suppress the fallback action.

There are frequent cases where ALT="" is what is actually needed, as the
image does not convey useful information to a text mode reader.

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