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Re: lynx-dev help sought to debug new version of lynx

From: Larry W. Virden
Subject: Re: lynx-dev help sought to debug new version of lynx
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 05:45:30 -0400

From: Doug Kaufman <address@hidden>

> On Sun, 23 Aug 1998, Larry W. Virden wrote:
> > I am still seeking help in figuring out why as of dev21 lynx is displaying
> > all links in inverse/bold/reverse (I can't tell exactly) instead of either
> > plain or color.
> I know that you have given some information in previous messages, but
> let me ask the basic questions.
> 1. What platform are you working on?

SPARC/Solaris 2.5.1/ncurses 4.2 plus patches up to last week/Sun unbundled
C compiler, and 
  configure  --prefix=/projects/intranet/ \
        --libdir=/projects/intranet/lib/lynx/ \
        --enable-forms-options \
        --enable-persistent-cookies \
        --enable-partial \
        --enable-default-colors \
        --enable-extended-dtd \
        --enable-externs \
        --enable-nsl-fork \
        --with-zlib \

> 2. Does the monitor have color capability?

        I see problems both with monitors that have color and that do not.
In both cases, the dev22 lynx shows the links _highlighted_ in the
inverse manner.  In dev20, on monochrome monitors I see no highlighting,
and on color supporting emulators I see color.

> 3. What TERM setting are you using? Does it have color capability in
>    the description?

This is using dtterm, vt220, xterm, rxvt, xterm-color, screen at the least.

> 4. Is lynx using TERMCAP or TERMINFO?


> 5. In your option menu, is COLOR set to ON or OFF. Does changing this
>    make a difference?

Good question - here's what my option menu says - I don't _see_ color

                                           Lynx Options Configuration (p1 of 2)

                    Options Menu (Lynx Version 2.8.1dev.22)

[1]Accept Changes [2]Reset Use the back key to cancel changes. [3] HELP availab

Editor: [4]nvi_________________
Display: [5]____________________
Multi-bookmarks: [6][(1)__OFF_____]
Bookmarks file: [7]./.parms/lynx_bookma
Ftp sort criteria: [8][(4)__By Date]
Personal mail address: address@hidden
Searching type: [10][(1)__Case insensitive]
Preferred document language: [11]en__________________
Preferred document character set: [12]ISO-8859-1__________
Display character set: [13][(1)__ISO Latin 1_________]
Raw 8-bit: [14][(2)__ON_]
Assumed document character set: [15][(1)__iso-8859-1______]
VI Keys: [16][(2)__ON_]
Emacs Keys: [17][(1)__OFF]
Popups for select fields: [18][(2)__ON_]
Show cursor: [19][(2)__ON_]
Keypad Mode: [20][(3)__Links and form fields are numbered]
Local directory sort criteria: [21][(3)__Mixed style______]
User Mode: [22][(3)__Advanced____]
Save options to disk: [23][ ]

> 6. Did you build with slang, ncurses, or a native curses library?


> 7. If using ncurses or slang, you can change colors in lynx.cfg. Normal
>    links are color #1, selected links are color #6. Did you change these,
>    and if so, did it make a difference?

        No, I made no changes to lynx.cfg .  My lynx.cfg is:

# lynx.cfg file.
# The default placement for this file is /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg (Unix)
#                                     or Lynx_Dir:lynx.cfg (VMS)
# Definition pairs are of the form  VARIABLE:DEFINITION
# NO spaces are allowed between the pair items.
#  If you do not have access to /usr/local/bin you may change
#  the default location of this file in the userdefs.h file and recompile,
#  or specify it's location on the command line with the "-cfg"
#  command line option.
# Items may be commented out by putting a '#' as the FIRST char of the line
# All definitions must be flush left and have NO spaces.!!!
# Starting with Lynx 2.8.1dev.1, the lynx.cfg file has a crude "include"
# facility.  This means that you can take advantage of the global lynx.cfg
# while also supplying your own tweaks.
# You can use a command-line argument (-cfg /where/is/lynx.cfg) or an
# environment variable (LYNX_CFG=/where/is/lynx.cfg).
# For instance, put in your .profile or .login:
#   LYNX_CFG=~/lynx.cfg; export LYNX_CFG   # in .profile for sh/ksh/bash/etc.
#   setenv LYNX_CFG ~/lynx.cfg             # in .login for [t]csh
# Then in ~/lynx.cfg:
#       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or whatever's appropriate on your system
#and now your own tweaks.

# STARTFILE is the default URL if none is specified on the command line
# or via a WWW_HOME environment variable.
# note: these files can be remote (
# or local (file://localhost/PATH_TO/FILENAME
#  replace PATH_TO with the complete path to FILENAME
#  use Unix SHELL syntax and include the device on VMS systems)

# HELPFILE must be defined as a URL and must have a
# complete path if local:
# file://localhost/PATH_TO/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html
#   Replace PATH_TO with the path to the lynx_help subdirectory
#   for this distribution (use SHELL syntax including the device
#   on VMS systems).
# The default HELPFILE is:
#   This should be changed to the local path.

# DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE is the default file retrieved when the
# user presses the 'I' key when viewing any document.
# An index to your CWIS can be placed here or a document containing
# pointers to lots of interesting places on the web.

# Set GOTOBUFFER to TRUE if you want to have the previous goto URL,
# if any, offered for reuse or editing when using the 'g'oto command.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h.  If left FALSE, the circular
# buffer of previously entered goto URLs can still be invoked via the
# Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow keys after entering the 'g'oto command.

# JUMP_PROMPT is the default statusline prompt for jumps files (see below).
# You can change the prompt here from that defined in userdefs.h.  Any
# trailing white space will be trimmed, and a single space added by Lynx
# following the last non-white character.  You must set the default prompt
# before setting the default jumps file (below). If a default jumps file
# was set via userdefs.h, and you change the prompt here, you must set the
# default jumps file again (below) for the change to be implemented.
#JUMP_PROMPT:Jump to (use '?' for list):

# JUMPFILE is the default local file checked for shortcut URL's when
# the user presses the 'J' (JUMP) key.  The user will be prompted for
# a shortcut entry (analogously to 'g'oto), and can enter one
# or use '?' for a list of the shortcuts with associated links to
# their actual URL's.  See the sample jumps files in the samples
# subdirectory.  Make sure your jumps file includes a '?' shortcut
# for a file://localhost URL to itself:
# <dt>?<dd><a href="file://localhost/path/jumps.html">This Shortcut List</a>
# If not defined here or in userdefs.h, the JUMP command will invoke
# the NO_JUMPFILE statusline message (see userdefs.h).
# On VMS, use Unix SHELL syntax (including a lead slash) to define it.
# Do not include "file://localhost" in the definition.
# Additional, alternate jumps files can be defined and mapped to
# keystrokes at the bottom of lynx.cfg, but you should first define
# the default jumps file (mapped by default to 'J', and to 'j' when
# the "VI keys" 'o'ption is not ON) here or in userdefs.h, if you
# wish to implement the jumps mechanism.

# Set JUMPBUFFER to TRUE if you want to have the previous jump target,
# if any, offered for reuse or editing when using the 'J'ump command.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h.  If left FALSE, the circular
# buffer of previously entered targets (shortcuts) can still be invoked
# via the Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow keys after entering the 'J'ump command.
# If multiple jumps files are installed, the recalls of shortcuts will
# be specific to each file.  If Lynx was built with PERMIT_GOTO_FROM_JUMP
# defined, any random URLs used instead of shortcuts will be stored in the
# goto URL buffer, not in the shortcuts buffer(s), and the single character
# ':' can be used as a target to invoke the goto URL buffer (as if 'g'oto
# followed by Up-Arrow had been entered).

# If SAVE_SPACE is defined, it will be used as a path prefix for the
# suggested filename in "Save to Disk" operations from the 'p'rint or
# 'd'ownload menus.  On VMS, you can use either VMS (e.g., "SYS$LOGIN:")
# or Unix syntax (including '~' for the HOME directory).  On Unix, you
# must use Unix syntax.  If the symbol is not defined, or is zero-length
# (""), no prefix will be used, and only a filename for saving in the
# current default directory will be suggested.
# This definition will be overridden if a "LYNX_SAVE_SPACE" environment
# variable has been set on Unix, or logical has been defined on VMS.

# If LYNX_HOST_NAME is defined here or in userdefs.h, it will be
# treated as an alias for the local host name in checks for URLs on
# the local host (e.g., when the -localhost switch is set), and this
# host name, "localhost", and HTHostName (the fully qualified domain
# name of the system on which Lynx is running) will all be passed as
# local.  A different definition here will override that in userdefs.h.

# localhost aliases
# Any LOCALHOST_ALIAS definitions also will be accepted as local when
# the -localhost switch is set.  These need not actually be local, i.e.,
# in contrast to LYNX_HOST_NAME, you can define them to trusted hosts at
# other Internet sites.

# LOCAL_DOMAIN is used for a tail match with the ut_host element of
# the utmp or utmpx structure on systems with utmp capabilities, to
# determine if a user is local to your campus or organization when
# handling -restrictions=inside_foo or outside_foo settings for ftp,
# news, telnet/tn3270 and rlogin URLs.  An "inside" user is assumed
# if your system does not have utmp capabilities.  CHANGE THIS here
# if it was not changed in userdefs.h at compilation time.

# CHARACTER_SET defines the default character set, i.e., that assumed
# to be installed on the user's terminal.  It determines which characters
# or strings will be used to represent 8-bit character entities within
# HTML.  New character sets may be defined as explained in the README
# files of the src/chrtrans directory in the Lynx source code distribution.
# For Asian (CJK) character sets, it also determines how Kanji code will
# be handled.  The default is defined in userdefs.h and can be changed
# here, and via the 'o'ptions menu.  The 'o'ptions menu setting will be
# stored in the user's RC file whenever those settings are saved, and
# thereafter will be used as the default.  For Lynx a "character set" has
# two names: a Display Character Set string for the Options screen and
# for setting CHARACTER_SET here, and a corresponding MIME name (for
# recognizing properly labelled charset parameters in HTTP headers etc.).
# Not all Display Character Set names correspond to exactly one valid MIME
# charset (for example "Chinese", "Transparent"), in that case
# an appropriate valid (and more specific) MIME name should be used
# where required.  The actions of the -raw switch and LYK_RAW_TOGGLE ('@')
# are dependent on the character set.  For the Asian (CJK) sets the
# corresponding charset is assumed in documents, i.e., raw or CJK mode is
# ON by default, so that -raw or the initial LYK_RAW_TOGGLE will turn the
# mode OFF.  The toggling also can be done via the 'o'ptions menu.  In raw
# CJK mode, 8-bit characters are not reverse translated in relation to the
# entity conversion arrays, i.e., they are assumed to be appropriate for
# the current character set.  It should be toggled OFF when an Asian (CJK)
# character set is selected but the document is not CJK.
# The default for "raw mode" (before it is changed by -raw or LYK_RAW_TOGGLE),
# if the display character set is not a CJK character set, depends on the
# display character set as well as the ASSUME_CHARSET value (see below) from
# either this file or an -assume_charset command line option.  The mode
# defaults to ON if the ASSUME_CHARSET value corresponds to the display
# character set, otherwise to OFF.
# It can be toggled ON if you believe the document has a charset which does
# correspond to your Display Character Set, but was not detected to have
# that charset and was handled as having the default charset (normally
# iso-8859-1).  You also can specify the default charset (to one other
# than iso-8859-1) via the ASSUME_CHARSET value (see below) from either
# this file or an -assume_charset command line option.  Note that "raw"
# does not mean that every byte will be passed to the screen.  HTML
# character entities may get expanded and translated, inappropriate control
# characters filtered out, etc.  Raw mode effectively changes the charset
# assumption about unlabelled documents. There is a "Transparent" pseudo
# character set for more "rawness".
# The default character sets include:
#    Display Character Set name         MIME name
#    ==========================         =========
#    7 bit approximations               us-ascii
#    Chinese                            euc-cn
#    DEC Multinational                  dec-mcs
#    DosArabic (cp864)                  cp864
#    DosBaltRim (cp775)                 cp775
#    DosCyrillic (cp866)                cp866
#    DosGreek (cp737)                   cp737
#    DosGreek2 (cp869)                  cp869
#    DosHebrew (cp862)                  cp862
#    DosLatin1 (cp850)                  cp850
#    DosLatin2 (cp852)                  cp852
#    DosLatinUS (cp437)                 cp437
#    ISO 8859-10                        iso-8859-10
#    ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic                iso-8859-5
#    ISO 8859-6 Arabic                  iso-8859-6
#    ISO 8859-7 Greek                   iso-8859-7
#    ISO 8859-8 Hebrew                  iso-8859-8
#    ISO 8859-9 (Latin 5)               iso-8859-9
#    ISO Latin 1                        iso-8859-1
#    ISO Latin 2                        iso-8859-2
#    ISO Latin 3                        iso-8859-3
#    ISO Latin 4                        iso-8859-4
#    Japanese (EUC)                     euc-jp
#    Japanese (SJIS)                    shift_jis
#    KOI8-R Cyrillic                    koi8-r
#    Korean                             euc-kr
#    Macintosh (8 bit)                  macintosh
#    NeXT character set                 next
#    RFC 1345 Mnemonic                  mnemonic
#    RFC 1345 w/o Intro                 mnemonic+ascii+0
#    Taipei (Big5)                      big5
#    Transparent                        x-transparent
#    UNICODE UTF 8                      utf-8
#    Vietnamese (VISCII)                viscii
#    WinArabic (cp1256)                 windows-1256
#    WinBaltRim (cp1257)                windows-1257
#    WinCyrillic (cp1251)               windows-1251
#    WinGreek (cp1253)                  windows-1253
#    WinHebrew (cp1255)                 windows-1255
#    WinLatin1 (cp1252)                 windows-1252
#    WinLatin2 (cp1250)                 windows-1250

# ASSUME_CHARSET changes the handling of documents which do not
# explicitly specify a charset.  Normally Lynx assumes that 8-bit
# characters in those documents are encoded according to iso-8859-1
# (the official default for the HTTP protocol).  When ASSUME_CHARSET
# given here or by an -assume_charset command line flag is in effect,
# Lynx will treat documents as if they were encoded accordingly.
# See above on how this interacts with "raw mode" and the Display
# Character Set.
# The value should be the MIME name of a character set recognized by
# Lynx (case insensitive).

# ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET is like ASSUME_CHARSET but only applies to local
# files.  If no setting is given here or by an -assume_local_charset
# command line option, the value for ASSUME_CHARSET or -assume_charset
# is used. It works for both text/plain and text/html files.
# This option may interfere with "raw mode" toggling when local files
# are viewed (it is "stronger" than the effective change of the charset
# assumption caused by changing "raw mode"), so only use when necessary.

# to text/html source files when they are retrieved for 'd'ownloading
# or passed to 'p'rint functions. This is necessary for resolving charset
# for local html files, while the assume_local_charset just an assumption...
# For 'd'ownload option charset will be added only if HTTP charset present.
# The compilation default is FALSE.
# It is generally desired to have charset information for every
# local html file, but META CHARSET string may cause
# compatibility problems with other browsers, so
# unchanged from theirs default value iso-8859-1 you usually
# need not change the compilation default for PREPEND_CHARSET_TO_SOURCE.
# Note that the prepending is not done for -source dumps.

# If Lynx encounters a charset parameter it doesn't recognize, it will
# replace the value given by ASSUME_UNREC_CHARSET (or a corresponding
# -assume_unrec_charset command line option) for it.  This can be used
# to deal with charsets unknown to Lynx, if they are "sufficiently
# similar" to one that Lynx does know about, by forcing the same
# treatment.  There is no default, and you probably should leave this
# undefined unless necessary.

# PREFERRED_LANGUAGE is the language in MIME notation (e.g., "en",
# "fr") which will be indicated by Lynx in its Accept-Language headers
# as the preferred language.  If available, the document will be
# transmitted in that language.  Users can override this setting via
# the 'o'ptions menu and save that preference in their RC file.
# This may be a comma-separated list of languages in decreasing preference.

# PREFERRED_CHARSET specifies the character set in MIME notation (e.g.,
# "ISO-8859-2", "ISO-8859-5") which Lynx will indicate you prefer in
# requests to http servers using an Accept-Charsets header. Users can
# change it via the 'o'ptions menu and save that preference in their RC file.
# The value should NOT include "ISO-8859-1" or "US-ASCII",
# since those values are always assumed by default.
# If a file in that character set is available, the server will send it.
# If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any
# character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present,
# and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable
# according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send
# an error response with the 406 (not acceptable) status code, though
# the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed. (RFC2068)

# URL_DOMAIN_PREFIXES and URL_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES are strings which will be
# prepended (together with a scheme://) and appended to the first element
# of command line or 'g'oto arguments which are not complete URLs and
# cannot be opened as a local file (file://localhost/string).  Both
# can be comma-separated lists.  Each prefix must end with a dot, each
# suffix must begin with a dot, and either may contain other dots (e.g.,
#  The default lists are defined in userdefs.h and can be
# changed here.  Each prefix will be used with each suffix, in order,
# until a valid Internet host is created, based on a successful DNS
# lookup (e.g., foo will be tested as and then
# etc.).  The first element can include a :port and/or /path which will
# be restored with the expanded host (e.g., wfbr:8002/dir/lynx will
# become  The prefixes will not be
# used if the first element ends in a dot (or has a dot before the
# :port or /path), and similarly the suffixes will not be used if the
# the first element begins with a dot (e.g., will become
# without testing  Lynx will try to
# guess the scheme based on the first field of the expanded host name,
# Display partial pages while downloading

# and use "http://"; as the default (e.g., or gopher.wfbr.
# will be made gopher://

# Display partial pages while downloading

# The following three definitions set the number of seconds for
# pauses following statusline messages that would otherwise be
# replaced immediately, and are more important than the unpaused
# progress messages.  Those set by INFOSECS are also basically
# progress messages (e.g., that a prompted input has been cancelled)
# and should have the shortest pause.  Those set by MESSAGESECS are
# informational (e.g., that a function is disabled) and should have
# a pause of intermediate duration.  Those set by ALERTSECS typically
# report a serious problem and should be paused long enough to read
# whenever they appear (typically unexpectedly).  The default values
# are defined in userdefs.h, and can be modified here should longer
# pauses be desired for braille-based access to Lynx.

# If USE_SELECT_POPUPS is set FALSE, Lynx will present a vertical list of
# radio buttons for the OPTIONs in SELECT blocks which lack the MULTIPLE
# attribute, instead of using a popup menu.  Note that if the MULTIPLE
# attribute is present in the SELECT start tag, Lynx always will create a
# vertical list of checkboxes for the OPTIONs.
# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be changed via the 'o'ptions
# menu and saved in the RC file, and always can be toggled via the -popup
# command line switch.

# SHOW_CURSOR controls whether or not the cursor is hidden or appears
# over the current link in documents or the current option in popups.
# Showing the cursor is handy if you are a sighted user with a poor
# terminal that can't do bold and reverse video at the same time or
# at all.  It also can be useful to blind users, as an alternative
# or supplement to setting LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED or
# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be changed via the
# 'o'ptions menu and saved in the RC file, and always can be toggled
# via the -show_cursor command line switch.

# VERBOSE_IMAGES controls whether or not Lynx replaces the [LINK], [INLINE] and
# [IMAGE] comments (for images without ALT) with filenames of these images.
# This is extremely useful because now we can determine immediately what images
# are just decorations (button.gif, line.gif) and what images are important.
# If this option is set here, it will override the setting in userdefs.h.

# If BOLD_HEADERS is set to TRUE the HT_BOLD default style will be acted
# upon for <H1> through <H6> headers.  The compilation default is FALSE
# (only the indentation styles are acted upon, but see BOLD_H1, below).
# On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also will apply to the
# HT_BOLD style for headers when BOLD_HEADERS is TRUE.

# If BOLD_H1 is set to TRUE the HT_BOLD default style will be acted
# upon for <H1> headers even if BOLD_HEADERS is FALSE.  The compilation
# default is FALSE.  On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also
# will apply to the HT_BOLD style for headers when BOLD_H1 is TRUE.

# If BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS is set to TRUE the content of anchors without
# an HREF attribute, (i.e., anchors with a NAME or ID attribute) will
# have the HT_BOLD default style.  The compilation default is FALSE.
# On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also will apply to the
# HT_BOLD style for NAME (ID) anchors when BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS is TRUE.

# The DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE specifies the number of WWW documents to be
# cached in memory at one time.
# This so-called cache size (actually, number) is defined in userdefs.h and
# may be modified here and/or with the command line argument -cache=NUMBER
# The minimum allowed value is 2, for the current document and at least one
# to fetch, and there is no absolute maximum number of cached documents.
# On Unix, and VMS not compiled with VAXC, whenever the number is exceeded
# the least recently displayed document will be removed from memory.
# On VMS compiled with VAXC, the DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE specifies the
# amount (bytes) of virtual memory that can be allocated and not yet be freed
# before previous documents are removed from memory.  If the values for both
# least recently displayed documents will be freed until one or the other
# value is no longer exceeded.  The default value was defined in userdefs.h.
# The Unix and VMS but not VAXC implementations use the C library malloc's
# and calloc's for memory allocation, and procedures for taking the actual
# amount of cache into account still need to be developed.  They use only
# the DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE value, and that specifies the absolute maximum
# number of documents to cache (rather than the maximum number only if
# DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE has been exceeded, as with VAXC/VAX).

# If ALWAYS_RESUBMIT_POSTS is set TRUE, Lynx always will resubmit forms
# with method POST, dumping any cache from a previous submission of the
# form, including when the document returned by that form is sought with
# the PREV_DOC command or via the history list.  Lynx always resubmits
# forms with method POST when a submit button or a submitting text input
# is activated, but normally retrieves the previously returned document
# if it had links which you activated, and then go back with the PREV_DOC
# command or via the history list.
# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be toggled via
# the -resubmit_forms command line switch.

# If NO_ISMAP_IF_USEMAP is set TRUE, Lynx will not include a link to the
# server-side image map if both a server-side and client-side map for the
# same image is indicated in the HTML markup.  The compilation default is
# FALSE, such that a link with "[ISMAP]" as the link name, followed by a
# hyphen, will be prepended to the ALT string or "[USEMAP]" pseudo-ALT for
# accessing Lynx's text-based rendition of the client-side map (based on
# the content of the associated MAP element).  If the "[ISMAP]" link is
# activated, Lynx will send a 0,0 coordinate pair to the server, which
# Lynx-friendly sites can map to a for-text-client document, homologous
# to what is intended for the content of a FIG element.
# The compilation default, or default defined here, can be toggled via
# the "-ismap" command line switch.

# If SEEK_FRAG_MAP_IN_CUR is set FALSE, then USEMAP attribute values
# (in IMG or OBJECT tags) consisting of only a fragment (USEMAP="#foo")
# will be resolved with respect to the current document's base, which
# might not be the same as the current document's URL.
# The compilation default is to use the current document's URL in all
# cases (i.e., assume the MAP is present below, if it wasn't present
# above the point in the HTML stream where the USEMAP attribute was
# detected).  Lynx's present "single pass" rendering engine precludes
# checking below before making the decision on how to resolve a USEMAP
# reference consisting solely of a fragment.

# If SEEK_FRAG_AREA_IN_CUR is set FALSE, then HREF attribute values
# in AREA tags consisting of only a fragment (HREF="#foo") will be
# resolved with respect to the current document's base, which might
# not be the same as the current document's URL.  The compilation
# default is to use the current document's URL, as is done for the
# HREF attribute values of Anchors and LINKs that consist solely of
# a fragment.

# Local execution links and scripts are completely disabled
# in the source code unless they are enabled in the
# userdefs.h file and the sources recompiled.  Please
# see the Lynx source code distribution and the userdefs.h
# file for more detail on enabling execution links and scripts.
# If you have enabled execution links or scripts the following
# two variables control Lynx's action when an execution link
# or script is encountered.
# If LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ALWAYS_ON is set to TRUE any execution
# link or script will be executed no matter where it came from.
# This is EXTREMELY dangerous.  Since Lynx can access files from
# anywhere in the world, you may encounter links or scripts that
# will cause damage or compromise the security of your system.
# links or scripts that reside on the local machine and are
# referenced with a URL beginning with "file://localhost/" or meet
# TRUSTED_EXEC or ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rules (see below) will be
# executed.  This is much less dangerous than enabling all execution
# links, but can still be dangerous.

# rule is defined, it defaults to "file://localhost/" and any lynxexec
# or lynxprog command will be permitted if it was referenced with a URL
# beginning with that string.  If you wish to restrict the referencing URL's
# further, you can extend the string to include a trusted path.  You also can
# specify a trusted directory for http URL's, which will then be treated as
# if they were local rather than remote.  For example:
#       TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/trusted/
# If you also wish to restrict the commands which can be executed, create
# a series of rules with the path (Unix) or command name (VMS) following
# the string, separated by a tab.  For example:
# Unix:
#       TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/<tab>/so that it points to your site's 
# Lynx respects RFC 1738 ( and
# and does not accept a host field in news URLs (use nntp: instead news: for
# the scheme if you wish to specify an NNTP host in a URL, as explained in the
# RFC).  If you have not set the variable externally, you can set it at run
# time via this configuration file.  It will not override an external setting.
# Note that on VMS it is set as a process logical rather than symbol, and will
# outlive the Lynx image.

# If LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS is set TRUE, Lynx will use an ordered list and include
# the numbers of articles in news listings, instead of using an unordered
# list.  The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here.

# If LIST_NEWS_DATES is set TRUE, Lynx will include the dates of articles in
# news listings.  The dates always are included in the articles, themselves.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here.

# NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE and NEWS_MAX_CHUNK regulate the chunking of news article
# listings with inclusion of links for listing earlier and/or later articles.
# The defaults are defined in HTNews.c as 30 and 40, respectively.  If the
# news group contains more than NEWS_MAX_CHUNK articles, they will be listed
# in NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE chunks.  You can change the defaults here, and/or on
# the command line via -newschunksize=NUMBER and/or -newsmaxchunk=NUMBER
# switches.  Note that if the chunk size is increased, here or on the command
# line, to a value greater than the current maximum, the maximum will be
# increased to that number.  Conversely, if the maximum is set to a number
# less than the current chunk size, the chunk size will be reduced to that
# number.  Thus, you need use only one of the two switches on the command
# line, based on the direction of intended change relative to the compilation
# or configuration defaults.  The compilation defaults ensure that there will
# be at least 10 earlier articles before bothering to chunk and create a link
# for earlier articles.

# Set NEWS_POSTING to FALSE if you do not want to support posting to
# news groups via Lynx.  If left TRUE, Lynx will use its news gateway to
# post new messages or followups to news groups, using the URL schemes
# described in the "Supported URL" section of the online 'h'elp.  The
# posts will be attempted via the nntp server specified in the URL, or
# if none was specified, via the NNTPSERVER configuration or environment
# variable.  Links with these URLs for posting or sending followups are
# created by the news gateway when reading group listings or articles
# from nntp servers if the server indicates that it permits posting.
# The compilation default set in userdefs.h can be changed here.  If
# the default is TRUE, posting can still be disallowed via the
# -restrictions command line switch.

# LYNX_SIG_FILE defines the name of a file containing a signature which
# can be appended to email messages and news postings or followups.  The
# user will be prompted whether to append it.  It is sought in the home
# directory.  If it is in a subdirectory, begin it with a dot-slash
# (e.g., ./lynx/.lynxsig).  The definition is set in userdefs.h and can
# be changed here.

# If USE_MOUSE is set TRUE, Lynx (when configured with ncurses) will allow
# the user to click with button-1 on links to select them.

# If COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS is set FALSE, Lynx will not collapse serial BR tags.
# Note that the valid way to insert extra blank lines in HTML is via a PRE
# block with only newlines in the block.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here.

# If SET_COOKIES is set FALSE, Lynx will ignore Set-Cookie headers
# in http server replies.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here,
# and/or toggled via the -cookies command line switch.

# If ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES is set TRUE, Lynx will accept cookies from all
# domains with no user interaction.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h and can be overridden here,
# and/or toggled via the -accept_all_cookies command line switch.

# VMS:
# The mail command and qualifiers are defined in userdefs.h.  Lynx
# will spawn a subprocess to send replies and error messages.  The
# command, and qualifiers (if any), can be re-defined here.  If
# you use PMDF then headers will we passed via a header file.
# If you use "generic" VMS MAIL, the subject will be passed on the
# command line via a /subject="SUBJECT" qualifier, and inclusion
# of other relevant headers may not be possible.
# If your mailer uses another syntax, some hacking of the mailform()
# mailmsg() and reply_by_mail() functions in LYMail.c, and printfile()
# function in LYPrint.c, may be required.

# Unix:
# The mail path and flags normally are defined for sendmail (or submit
# with MMDF) in userdefs.h.  You can change them here, but should first
# read the zillions of CERT advisories about security problems with Unix
# mailers.

# MAIL_ADRS is defined in userdefs.h and normally is structured for PMDF's
# IN%"INTERNET_ADDRESS" scheme.  The %s is replaced with the address given
# by the user.  If you are using a different Internet mail transport, change
# the IN appropriately (e.g., to SMTP, MX, or WINS).

# If USE_FIXED_RECORDS is set to TRUE here or in userdefs.h, Lynx will
# convert 'd'ownloaded binary files to FIXED 512 record format before saving
# them to disk or acting on a DOWNLOADER option.  If set to FALSE, the
# headers of such files will indicate that they are Stream_LF with Implied
# Carriage Control, which is incorrect, and can cause downloading software
# to get confused and unhappy.  If you do set it FALSE, you can use the
# FIXED512.COM command file, which is included in this distribution, to do
# the conversion externally.

# VI_KEYS can be turned on by the user in the options
# screen or the .lynxrc file.  This is just the default.

# EMACS_KEYS can be turned on by the user in the options
# screen or the .lynxrc file.  This is just the default.

# DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE specifies whether by default the user
# has numbers that work like arrows or else numbered links.
# DEFAULT KEYPAD MODE may be set to TRUE for using numbers
# as arrows as the default, or FALSE for using numbered links
# as the default (LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED cannot
# currently be set by this option.).

# The default search type.
# This is a default that can be overridden by the user!

# DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE is a default filename for use as a personal
# bookmark file.  It will reference a file from the user's home directory.
# NOTE that a file ending in .html or other suffix mapped to text/html
# should be used to ensure it's treatment as HTML.  The built-in default
# is lynx_bookmarks.html.  On both Unix and VMS, if a subdirectory off of
# the HOME directory is desired, the path should begin with "./" (e.g.,
# ./BM/lynx_bookmarks.html), but the subdirectory must already exist.
# Lynx will create the bookmark file, if it does not already exist, on
# the first ADD_BOOKMARK attempt if the HOME directory is indicated
# (i.e., if the definition is just filename.html without any slashes),
# but requires a pre-existing subdirectory to create the file there.
# The user can re-define the default bookmark file, as well as a set
# of sub-bookmark files if multiple bookmark file support is enabled
# (see below), via the 'o'ptions menu, and can save those definitions
# in the .lynxrc file.

# below) is FALSE, and sub-bookmarks exist, all bookmark operations will
# first prompt the user to select an active sub-bookmark file or the
# default bookmark file.  FALSE is the default so that one (the default)
# bookmark file will be available initially.  The definition here will
# override that in userdefs.h.  The user can turn on multiple bookmark
# support via the 'o'ptions menu, and can save that choice as the startup
# default via the .lynxrc file.  When on, the setting can be STANDARD or
# ADVANCED.  If support is set to the latter, and the user mode also is
# ADVANCED, the VIEW_BOOKMARK command will invoke a statusline prompt at
# which the user can enter the letter token (A - Z) of the desired bookmark,
# or '=' to get a menu of available bookmark files.  The menu always is
# presented in NOVICE or INTERMEDIATE mode, or if the support is set to
# STANDARD.  No prompting or menu display occurs if only one (the startup
# default) bookmark file has been defined (define additional ones via the
# 'o'ptions menu).  The startup default, however set, can be overridden on
# the command line via the -restrictions=multibook or the -anonymous or
# -validate switches.

# If BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS is set TRUE, multiple bookmark support will
# be forced off, and cannot to toggled on via the 'o'ptions menu.  The
# compilation setting is normally FALSE, and can be overridden here.
# It can also be set via the -restrictions=multibook or the -anonymous
# or -validate command line switches.

# DEFAULT_USER_MODE sets the default user mode for Lynx users.
# NOVICE  shows a three line help message at the bottom of the screen
# INTERMEDIATE  shows normal amount of help (one line)
# ADVANCED  help is replaced by the URL of the current link

# DEFAULT_EDITOR sets the default editor for Lynx users.
# If an editor is defined then the user may edit local documents
# using that editor.  The editor will also be used for sending
# mail messages.  If no editor is defined here or by the user
# the user will not be able to edit local documents and a primitive
# line oriented mail input mode will be used.
# NOTE: Do not define an editor unless you know that every user will
#       know how to use it.  Most users do not enjoy getting stuck in
#       an unknown editor that they can't get out of.  Users can
#       easily define an editor of their own using the options menu,
#       so it is not always desirable to set the DEFAULT_EDITOR.

# SYSTEM_EDITOR behaves the same as DEFAULT_EDITOR except that it can't be
# changed.

# Proxy variables
# Lynx version 2.2 and beyond supports the use of proxy servers that can
# act as firewall gateways and caching servers.  They are preferable to
# the older gateway servers.  Each protocol used by Lynx can be mapped
# separately using PROTOCOL_proxy environment variables (see INSTALLATION).
# If you have not set them externally, you can set them at run time via
# this configuration file.  They will not override external settings.
# The no_proxy variable can be a comma-separated list of hosts which should
# not be proxied, or an asterisk to override all proxy variables.
# Note that on VMS they are set as process logicals rather than symbols,
# to preserve lowercasing, and will outlive the Lynx image.

# Printer definitions
# any number of printers may be defined by using multiple
# printer definition sets.  Printers may be any program
# that could be useful to your users, they do not necessarily
# have to print.
# the definition of a printer is of the form
# PRINTER:<printer name>:<printer command>:<printer option>:<lines/page>
#    <printer name> is the name that the user will see.
# <printer command> is the command line arguments for printing a file.
#                   The %s will be replaced with the file being printed.
#                   If a second %s is given the second %s will be replaced by
#                   a suggested filename that is prettier than the tempfile
#                   name given in the first %s.  This does not remove the first
#                   %s from the command line in any manner.  If you need to
#                   use only the second %s file name in your printer command,
#                   then I suggest creating a script which will first copy the
#                   first %s file name to the second %s file name, and then
#                   executing your print command with the second %s file name.
#  <printer option> specifies whether the printer should be disabled for
#                   users without printing options.  The options are
#                   TRUE or FALSE;
#                   TRUE means the printer will always be ENABLED
#                        regardless of printer or anonymous settings
#                   FALSE means the printer will be DISABLED when
#                         the -noprint option is on, or for anonymous
#                         users which are not allowed to print
#  <lines/page>    is an optional parameter for indicating the number of
#                  lines per page for the printer.  Defaults to 66.  Used
#                  for computing the approximate number of pages and
#                  generating a statusline query of whether to proceed if
#                  the document is longer than 4 printer pages.  Uses the
#                  current screen length for the computation when the
#                  built in "print to screen" option is selected.
#  You must put the whole definition on one line.
#  If you must use a colon, precede it with a backslash!
#  If you have a very busy VMS print queue and Lynx deletes the temporary
#  files before they have been queued, use the included in
#  the distribution.
#    examples
#PRINTER:Computer Center printer:lpr -Pccprt %s:FALSE
#PRINTER:Office printer:lpr -POffprt %s:TRUE
#PRINTER:VMS printer:print /queue=cc$print %s:FALSE:58
#PRINTER:Busy VMS printer:@Lynx_Dir\:VMSPrint sys$print %s:FALSE:58
#  Don't use the following printer on anonymous accounts since
#  allowing shell input is very dangerous.
#PRINTER:Specify your own print command:echo -n "Enter a print command\: "; 
read word; sh -c "$word %s":FALSE
#  Pass to a sophisticated file viewer (sources for most are available in
#  The most -k switch suppresses the
#  invocation of hexadecimal display mode if 8-bit or control characters
#  are present.  The +s switch invokes secure mode.
#PRINTER:Use Most to view:most -k +s %s:TRUE:23

PRINTER:no format default printer:file="%s";post -duplex -nf "-tl %s" 
PRINTER:postscript default printer:file="%s";post -duplex -ps "-tl %s" 
PRINTER:weblint page:weblint -x netscape,microsoft,wilbur,java "%s" :TRUE:999999
PRINTER:MOST printer:/projects/sprs_lwv/bin/most -k "%s":TRUE

# Downloader definitions
# any number of downloaders may be defined by using multiple
# downloader definition sets.  Downloaders may be any program
# that could be useful to your users, they do not necessarily
# have to be a download protocol program. The most common use
# of a downloader is to use Ckermit or some other transfer
# program so that the user may easily transfer files back to
# their local machine over a serial link.
# the definition of a downloader is of the form
# DOWNLOADER:<downloadername>:<downloader command>:<downloader option>
#    <downloader name> is the name that the user will see.
# <downloader command> is the command line arguments for downloading a file.
#                      The %s will be replaced with the file being downloaded.
#                      If a second %s is given the second %s will be replaced
#                      by a suggested filename that is nicer than the tempfile
#                      name given in the first %s.  This does not replace the
#                      first %s in the command line.  If your command needs
#                      the suggest file name on the command line only, then
#                      I suggest creating a script that will first copy the
#                      first %s file name to the second %s file name, and then
#                      execute the downloading command using the second %s file
#                      name (e.g., 'sz' needs such a script interposed).
#  <downloader option> specifies whether the downloader should be disabled for
#                      anonymous users.  The options are
#                      TRUE or FALSE;
#                      TRUE means the downloader will always be ENABLED
#                           regardless of the anonymous settings (however,
#                           all downloading is disabled by -validate).
#                      FALSE means the downloader will be DISABLED when
#                            the user is anonymous.
#  You must put the whole definition on one line.
#  If you must use a colon, precede it with a backslash!
#    examples
#DOWNLOADER:Use Most to view:most +s %s:TRUE
#  (don't use most's -k switch, so that binaries will invoke hexadecimal mode)
#DOWNLOADER:Use Kermit to download to the local terminal:kermit -i -s %s -a 
#DOWNLOADER:Use Zmodem to download to the local terminal:sz %s:TRUE
#DOWNLOADER:Use Zmodem to download to the local terminal:set %s 
%s;td=/tmp/Lsz$$;mkdir $td;ln -s $1 $td/"$2";sz $td/"$2";rm -r $td:TRUE
# Note for Zmodem: The first variant gives wrong filenames ("sz" doesn't support
# a suggested filename parameter, sorry). The second returns correct filenames
# but may conflict with very strong security or permissions restrictions
# (it uses the script to make a subdirectory in /tmp, see below).
#    (example script in lieu of :sz %s: for offering a suggested filename)
#  :set %s %s;td=/tmp/Lsz$$;mkdir $td;ln -s $1 $td/"$2";sz $td/"$2";rm -r $td:

DOWNLOADER:html default printer:file="%s";post -duplex -html "-tl %s" 
DOWNLOADER:html color printer:file="%s";post -Ppcol26 -html "-tl %s" 
DOWNLOADER:weblint page:weblint -x netscape,microsoft "%s" > /tmp/%s 2>&1 :TRUE
DOWNLOADER:no format default printer:file="%s";post -duplex -nf "-tl %s" 
#UPLOADER:Use Zmodem to upload from your computer: rz %s:TRUE
DOWNLOADER:postscript default printer:file="%s";post -duplex -ps "-tl %s" 
DOWNLOADER:Use Kermit to download to the local computer:ckermit -i -s "%s" -a 
DOWNLOADER:Use Zmodem to download to the local client:tmpfile=%s ; szfile=%s ; 
mv $tmpfile $szfile ; sz $szfile ; mv $szfile $tmpfile:TRUE
DOWNLOADER:postp1 printer:file="%s";post -duplex -html -Ppostp1 "-tl %s" 

# Unix ONLY:
# Uploader definitions (implemented only with Unix DIRED_SUPPORT;
#                       see the Makefile in the top directory,
#                       and the header of ./src/LYUpload.c)
# any number of uploaders may be defined by using multiple
# uploader definition sets.  Uploaders may be any program
# that could be useful to your users, they do not necessarily
# have to be an upload protocol program. The most common use
# of an uploader is to use Ckermit or some other transfer
# program so that the user may easily transfer files from
# their local machine over a serial link.
# the definition of an uploader is of the same form as a downloader
# UPLOADER:<uploadername>:<uploader command>:<uploader option>
#  You must put the whole definition on one line.
#  If you must use a colon, precede it with a backslash!
#  If you do not include a %s, you will not be prompted for an
#  output filename.
#    example
#UPLOADER:Use Kermit to upload from your computer: kermit -i -r -a %s:TRUE
#UPLOADER:Use Zmodem to upload from your computer: rz %s:TRUE
UPLOADER:Use Kermit to upload from your local computer:ckermit -i -r -a "%s" 
UPLOADER:Use Zmodem to upload from your local computer:rz "%s" "%s":FALSE

# If NO_DOT_FILES is TRUE (normal default via userdefs.h), the user will not
# be allowed to specify files beginning with a dot in reply to output filename
# prompts, and files beginning with a dot (e.g., file://localhost/path/.lynxrc)
# will not be included in the directory browser's listings.  If set FALSE, you
# can force it to be treated as TRUE via -restrictions=dotfiles.  If set FALSE
# and not forced TRUE, the user can regulate it via the 'o'ptions menu (and
# may save the preference in the RC file).

# If NO_FROM_HEADER is set FALSE, From headers will be sent in transmissions
# to http or https servers if the personal_mail_address has been defined via
# the 'o'ptions menu.  The compilation default is TRUE (no From header is
# sent) and the default can be changed here.  The default can be toggled at
# run time via the -from switch.  Note that transmissions of From headers
# have become widely considered to create an invasion of privacy risk.

# If NO_REFERER_HEADER is TRUE, Referer headers never will be sent in
# transmissions to servers.  Lynx normally sends the URL of the document
# from which the link was derived, but not for startfile URLs, 'g'oto
# URLs, 'j'ump shortcuts, bookmark file links, history list links, or
# URLs that include the content from form submissions with method GET.
# If left FALSE here, it can be set TRUE at run time via the -noreferer
# switch.

# If NO_FILE_REFERER is TRUE, Referer headers never will be sent in
# transmissions to servers for links or actions derived from documents
# or forms with file URLs.  This would ensure that paths associated
# with the local file system are never indicated to servers, even if
# NO_REFERER_HEADER is FALSE.  If left FALSE here, it can be set TRUE
# at run time via the -nofilereferer switch.

# If MAKE_LINKS_FOR_ALL_IMAGES is TRUE, all images will be given links
# which can be ACTIVATEd.  For inlines, the ALT or pseudo-ALT ("[INLINE]")
# strings will be links for the resolved SRC rather than just text.  For
# ISMAP or other graphic links, the ALT or pseudo-ALT ("[ISMAP]" or "[LINK]")
# strings will have '-' and a link labeled "[IMAGE]" for the resolved SRC
# appended.
# The default defined here will override that in userdefs.h, and the user
# can use LYK_IMAGE_TOGGLE to toggle the feature on or off at run time.
# The default also can be toggled via an "-image_links" command line switch.

# If MAKE_PSEUDO_ALTS_FOR_INLINES is FALSE, inline images which do not
# specify an ALT string will not have "[INLINE]" inserted as a pseudo-ALT,
# i.e., they'll be treated as having ALT="".  If MAKE_LINKS_FOR_ALL_IMAGES
# is defined or toggled to TRUE, however, the pseudo-ALTs will be created
# for inlines, so that they can be used as links to the SRCs.
# The default defined here will override that in userdefs.h, and the user
# can use LYK_INLINE_TOGGLE to toggle the feature on or off at run time.
# The default also can be toggled via a "-pseudo_inlines" command line
# switch.

# If SUBSTITUTE_UNDERSCORES is TRUE, the _underline_ format will be used
# for emphasis tags in dumps.
# The default defined here will override that in userdefs.h, and the user
# can toggle the default via a "-underscore" command line switch.

# If QUIT_DEFAULT_YES is TRUE then when the QUIT command is entered, any
# response other than n or N will confirm.  It should be FALSE if you
# prefer the more conservative action of requiring an explicit Y or y to
# confirm.  The default defined here will override that in userdefs.h.

# If HISTORICAL_COMMENTS is TRUE, Lynx will revert to the "Historical"
# behavior of treating any '>' as a terminator for comments, instead of
# seeking a valid '-->' terminator (note that white space can be present
# between the '--' and '>' in valid terminators).  The compilation default
# is FALSE.
# The compilation default, or default defined here, can be toggled via a
# "-historical" command line switch, and via the LYK_HISTORICAL command key.

# If MINIMAL_COMMENTS is TRUE, Lynx will not use Valid comment parsing
# of '--' pairs as serial comments within an overall comment element,
# and instead will seek only a '-->' terminator for the overall comment
# element.  This emulates the Netscape v2.0 comment parsing bug, and
# will help Lynx cope with the use of dashes as "decorations", which
# consequently has become common in so-called "Enhanced for Netscape"
# pages.  Note that setting Historical comments on will override the
# Minimal or Valid setting.
# The compilation default for MINIMAL_COMMENTS is FALSE, but we'll
# set it TRUE here, until Netscape gets its comment parsing right,
# and "decorative" dashes cease to be so common.
# The compilation default, or default defined here, can be toggled via a
# "-minimal" command line switch, and via the LYK_MINIMAL command key.

# If SOFT_DQUOTES is TRUE, Lynx will emulate the invalid behavior of
# treating '>' as a co-terminator of a double-quoted attribute value
# and the tag which contains it, as was done in old versions of Netscape
# and Mosaic.  The compilation default is FALSE.
# The compilation default, or default defined here, can be toggled via
# a "-soft_dquotes" command line switch.

# If STRIP_DOTDOT_URLS is TRUE, Lynx emulates the invalid behavior of many
# browsers to strip a leading "../" segment from relative URLs in HTML
# documents with a http or https base URL, if this would otherwise lead to
# an absolute URLs with those characters still in it.  Such URLs are normally
# erroneous and not what is intended by page authors.  Lynx will issue
# a warning message when this occurs.
# If STRIP_DOTDOT_URLS is FALSE, Lynx will use those URLs for requests
# without taking any special actions or issuing Warnings, in most cases
# this will result in an error response from the server.
# Note that Lynx never tries to fix similar URLs for protocols other than
# http and https, since they are less common and may actually be valid in
# some cases.

# If ENABLE_SCROLLBACK is TRUE, Lynx will clear the entire screen before
# displaying each new screenful of text.  Though less efficient for normal
# use, this allows programs that maintain a buffer of previously-displayed
# text to recognize the continuity of what has been displayed, so that
# previous screenfuls can be reviewed by whatever method the program uses
# to scroll back through previous text.  For example, the PC comm program
# QModem has a key that can be pressed to scroll back; if ENABLE_SCROLLBACK
# is TRUE, pressing the scrollback key will access previous screenfuls which
# will have been stored on the local PC and will therefore be displayed
# instantaneously, instead of needing to be retransmitted by Lynx at the
# speed of the comm connection (but Lynx will not know about the change,
# so you must restore the last screen before resuming with Lynx commands).
# The compilation default is FALSE (if REVERSE_CLEAR_SCREEN_PROBLEM was not
# defined in the Unix Makefile to invoke this behavior as a workaround for
# some poor curses implementations).
# The default compilation or configuration setting can be toggled via an
# "-enable_scrollback" command line switch.

# If SCAN_FOR_BURIED_NEWS_REFS is set to TRUE, Lynx will scan the bodies
# of news articles for buried article and URL references and convert them
# to links.  The compilation default is TRUE, but some email addresses
# enclosed in angle brackets ("<address@hidden>") might be converted to false
# news links, and uuencoded messages might be corrupted.  The conversion is
# not done when the display is toggled to source or when 'd'ownloading, so
# uuencoded articles can be saved intact regardless of these settings.
# The default setting can be toggled via a "-buried_news" command line
# switch.

# If PREPEND_BASE_TO_SOURCE is set to FALSE, Lynx will not prepend a
# Request URL comment and BASE element to text/html source files when
# they are retrieved for 'd'ownloading or passed to 'p'rint functions.
# The compilation default is TRUE.  Note that this prepending is not
# done for -source dumps, unless the -base switch also was included on
# the command line, and the latter switch overrides the setting of the
# PREPEND_BASE_TO_SOURCE configuration variable.

# MIME types and viewers!
# file extensions may be assigned to MIME types using
# the SUFFIX: definition.
# The SUFFIX definition takes the form of:
#    SUFFIX:<file extension>:<mime type>
# for instance the following definition maps the
# extension ".gif" to the mime type "image/gif"
#    SUFFIX:.gif:image/gif
# file suffixes are case INsensitive!
# The suffix definitions listed here in the default lynx.cfg file are
# among those established via src/HTInit.c.  You can change any of the
# defaults by editing that file, or via the global or personal mime.types
# files at run time.  They will be overridden if you assign them here.


# The global and personal EXTENSION_MAP files allow you to assign extensions
# to MIME types which will override any of the suffix maps in this (lynx.cfg)
# configuration file, or in src/HTInit.c.  See the example mime.types file
# in the samples subdirectory.
#       Unix:
#       VMS:
#       Unix (sought in user's home directory):
#       VMS (sought in user's sys$login directory):

# VMS:
# ====
# XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND will be used as a default in src/HTInit.c
# for viewing image content types when the DECW$DISPLAY logical
# is set.  Make it the foreign command for your system's X image
# viewer (commonly, "xv").  Make it "exit" or something like that
# if you don't have one.  It can be anything that will handle GIF,
# TIFF and other popular image formats.  Freeware ports of xv for
# VMS are available in the and
# subdirectories.  You
# must also have a "%s" for the filename.  The default is defined
# in userdefs.h and can be overridden here, or via the global or
# personal mailcap files (see below).

# Unix:
# =====
# XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND will be used as a default in src/HTInit.c for
# viewing image content types when the DISPLAY environment variable
# is set.  Make it the full path and name of the xli (also know as
# xloadimage or xview) command, or other image viewer.  Put 'echo' or
# something like it here if you don't have a suitable viewer.  It can
# be anything that will handle GIF, TIFF and other popular image formats
# (xli does).  The freeware distribution of xli is available in the
# subdirectory.  The shareware, xv, also is
# suitable.  You must also have a "%s" for the filename; "&" for
# background is optional.  The default is defined in userdefs.h and can be
# overridden here, or via the global or personal mailcap files (see below).
# Note that open is used as the default for NeXT, instead of the
# If you use xli, you may want to add the -quiet flag.
XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND:xli -quiet %s &

# MIME types may be assigned to external viewers using
# the VIEWER definition.
# Note: if you do not define a viewer to a new MIME type
#       that you assigned above then it will be saved to
#       disk by default.
# The VIEWER definition takes the form of:
#    VIEWER:<mime type>:<viewer command>[:environment]
#      where -mime type is the MIME content type of the file
#            -viewer command is a system command that can be
#             used to display the file where %s is replaced
#             within the command with the physical filename
#             (e.g. "ghostview %s" becomes "ghostview /tmp/temppsfile")
#            -environment is optional.  The only valid keywords
#             are currently XWINDOWS and NON_XWINDOWS.  If the XWINDOWS
#             environment is specified then the viewer will only be
#             defined when the user has the environment variable DISPLAY
#             (DECW$DISPLAY on VMS) defined.  If the NON_XWINDOWS environment
#             is specified the specified viewer will only be defined when the
#             user DOES NOT have the environment variable DISPLAY defined.
#  examples:
#               VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s:XWINDOWS
#               VIEWER:image/gif:ascii-view %s:NON_XWINDOWS
#               VIEWER:application/start-elm:elm
# You must put the whole definition on one line.
# If you must use a colon in the viewer command, precede it with a backslash!
# The MIME_type:viewer:XWINDOWS definitions listed here in the lynx.cfg
# file are among those established via src/HTInit.c.  For the image types,
# HTInit.c uses the XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND definition in userdefs.h or above
# (open is used for NeXT).  You can change any of these defaults via the
# global or personal mailcap files at run time.  They will be overridden
# if you assign them here.
#VIEWER:application/postscript:ghostview %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/x-xbm:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/x-rgb:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/x-tiff:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/jpeg:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:video/mpeg:mpeg_play %s &:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:text/x-compressed:/projects/sprs_lwv/sol2/bin/most %s:NON_XWINDOWS

# The global and personal MAILCAP files allow you to specify external
# viewers to be spawned when Lynx encounters different MIME types, which
# will override any of the suffix maps in this (lynx.cfg) configuration
# file, or in src/HTInit.c.  See
# and the example mailcap file in the samples subdirectory.
#       Unix:
#       VMS:
#       Sought in user's home (Unix) or sys$login (VMS) directory.

# Key remapping definitions!
# You may redefine the keymapping of any function in Lynx by
# using the KEYMAP variable.  The form of KEYMAP is:
# You must map upper and lowercase keys separately.
# A representative list of functions mapped to their default keys is
# provided below.  All of the mappings are commented out by default
# since they just map to the default mappings, except for TOGGLE_HELP
# (see below).  See LYKeymap.c for the complete key mapping.  Use the
# 'K'eymap command when running Lynx for a list of the current mappings.
# Special keys map to:
#         Up Arrow: 0x100
#       Down Arrow: 0x101
#      Right Arrow: 0x102
#       Left Arrow: 0x103
#        Page Down: 0x104
#          Page Up: 0x105
#      Keypad Home: 0x106
#       Keypad End: 0x107
#   Function key 1: 0x108
# vt100   Help Key: 0x108
# vt100     Do Key: 0x109
# vt100   Find Key: 0x10A
# vt100 Select Key: 0x10B
# vt100 Insert Key: 0x10C
# vt100 Remove Key: 0x10D
#  (0x00) NULL KEY: 0x10E (DO_NOTHING)

#KEYMAP:0x2F:SOURCE     # Toggle source viewing mode (show HTML source)
#KEYMAP:^R:RELOAD       # Reload the current document and redisplay
#KEYMAP:q:QUIT          # Ask the user to quit
#KEYMAP:Q:ABORT         # Quit without verification
#KEYMAP:0x20:NEXT_PAGE  # Move down to next page
#KEYMAP:-:PREV_PAGE     # Move up to previous page
#KEYMAP:^P:UP_TWO       # Move display up two lines
#KEYMAP:0x10C:UP_TWO    # Function key Insert - Move display up two lines
#KEYMAP:^N:DOWN_TWO     # Move display down two lines
#KEYMAP:0x10D:DOWN_TWO  # Function key Remove - Move display down two lines
#KEYMAP:(:UP_HALF       # Move display up half a page
#KEYMAP:):DOWN_HALF     # Move display down half a page
#KEYMAP:^W:REFRESH      # Refresh the screen
#KEYMAP:^A:HOME         # Go to top of current document
#KEYMAP:0x106:HOME      # Keypad Home - Go to top of current document
#KEYMAP:0x10A:HOME      # Function key Find - Go to top of current document
#KEYMAP:^E:END          # Go to bottom of current document
#KEYMAP:0x107:END       # Keypad End - Go to bottom of current document
#KEYMAP:0x10B:END       # Function key Select - Go to bottom of current document
#KEYMAP:0x100:PREV_LINK # Move to the previous link
#KEYMAP:0x101:NEXT_LINK # Move to the next link
#KEYMAP:<:UP_LINK       # Move to the link above
#KEYMAP:>:DOWN_LINK     # Move to the link below
#KEYMAP:0x00:RIGHT_LINK # Move to the link to the right
#KEYMAP:0x00:LEFT_LINK  # Move to the link to the left
#KEYMAP:0x7F:HISTORY    # Display stack of currently-suspended documents
#KEYMAP:0x08:HISTORY    # Display stack of currently-suspended documents
#KEYMAP:0x103:PREV_DOC  # Return to the previous document
#KEYMAP:0x102:ACTIVATE  # Select the current link
#KEYMAP:0x109:ACTIVATE  # Function key Do - Select the current link
#KEYMAP:g:GOTO          # Goto a random URL
#KEYMAP:G:ECGOTO        # Edit the current document's URL and go to it
#KEYMAP:H:HELP          # Show default help screen
#KEYMAP:0x108:HELP      # Function key Help - Show default help screen
#KEYMAP:i:INDEX         # Show default index
#*** Edit FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_MESSAGE in userdefs.h if you change NOCACHE ***
#KEYMAP:x:NOCACHE       # Force submission of form or link with no-cache
#*** Do not change INTERRUPT from 'z' & 'Z' ***
#KEYMAP:z:INTERRUPT     # Interrupt network transmission
#KEYMAP:m:MAIN_MENU     # Return to the main menu
#KEYMAP:o:OPTIONS       # Show the options menu
#KEYMAP:i:INDEX_SEARCH  # Search a server based index
#KEYMAP:/:WHEREIS       # Find a string within the current document
#KEYMAP:n:NEXT          # Find next occurence of string within document
#KEYMAP:c:COMMENT       # Comment to the author of the current document
#KEYMAP:e:EDIT          # Edit current document
#KEYMAP:E:ELGOTO        # Edit the current link's URL or ACTION and go to it
#KEYMAP:=:INFO          # Show info about current document
#KEYMAP:p:PRINT         # Show print options
#KEYMAP:a:ADD_BOOKMARK  # Add current document to bookmark list
#KEYMAP:v:VIEW_BOOKMARK # View the bookmark list
#KEYMAP:V:VLINKS        # List links visited during the current Lynx session
#KEYMAP:!:SHELL         # Spawn default shell
#KEYMAP:d:DOWNLOAD      # Download current link
#KEYMAP:j:JUMP          # Jump to a predefined target
#KEYMAP:k:KEYMAP        # Display the current key map
#KEYMAP:l:LIST          # List the references (links) in the current document
#KEYMAP:#:TOOLBAR       # Go to the Toolbar or Banner in the current document
#KEYMAP:^T:TRACE_TOGGLE # Toggle tracing of browser operations
#KEYMAP:*:IMAGE_TOGGLE  # Toggle inclusion of links for all images
#KEYMAP:[:INLINE_TOGGLE # Toggle pseudo-ALTs for inlines with no ALT string
#KEYMAP:0x00:DO_NOTHING # Does nothing (ignore this key)

# If TOGGLE_HELP is mapped, in novice mode the second help menu line
# can be toggled among NOVICE_LINE_TWO_A, _B, and _C, as defined in
# userdefs.h.  Otherwise, it will be NOVICE_LINE_TWO.
#KEYMAP:O:TOGGLE_HELP   # Show other commands in the novice help menu

KEYMAP:^:HOME           # Go to top of current document
KEYMAP:$:END            # Go to bottom of current document

# Alternate jumps files can be defined and mapped to keys here.  If the
# keys have already been mapped, then those mappings will be replaced,
# but you should leave at least one key mapped to the default jumps
# file.  You optionally may include a statusline prompt string for the
# mapping.  You must map upper and lowercase keys separately (beware of
# mappings to keys which the user can further remap via the 'o'ptions
# menu).  The format is:
#       JUMPFILE:path:key[:prompt]
# where path should begin with a '/' (i.e., not include file://localhost).
# Any white space following a prompt string will be trimmed, and a single
# space will be added by Lynx.
#JUMPFILE:/Lynx_Dir/ips.html:i:IP or Interest group (? for list):

# On VMS, CSwing (an XTree emulation for VTxxx terminals) is intended for
# use as the Directory/File Manager (sources, objects, or executables are
# available from  CSWING_PATH should be defined
# here or in userdefs.h to your foreign command for CSwing, with any
# regulatory switches you want included.  If not defined, or defined as
# a zero-length string ("") or "none" (case-insensitive), the support
# will be disabled.  It will also be disabled if the -nobrowse or
# -selective switches are used, or if the file_url restriction is set.
# When enabled, the DIRED_MENU command (normally 'f' or 'F') will invoke
# CSwing, normally with the current default directory as an argument to
# position the user on that node of the directory tree.  However, if the
# current document is a local directory listing, or a local file and not
# one of the temporary menu or list files, the associated directory will
# be passed as an argument, to position the user on that node of the tree.

# Unix ONLY:
# LIST_FORMAT defines the display for local files when Lynx has been
# compiled with LONG_LIST defined in the Makefile.  The default is set
# in userdefs.h, normally to "ls -l" format, and can be changed here
# by uncommenting the indicated lines, or adding a definition with a
# modified parameter list.
# The percent items in the list are interpreted as follows:
#       %p      Unix-style permission bits
#       %l      link count
#       %o      owner of file
#       %g      group of file
#       %d      date of last modification
#       %a      anchor pointing to file or directory
#       %A      as above but don't show symbolic links
#       %k      size of file in Kilobytes
#       %K      as above but omit size for directories
#       %s      size of file in bytes
# Anything between the percent and the letter is passed on to sprintf.
# A double percent yields a literal percent on output.  Other characters
# are passed through literally.
# If you want only the filename:
# If you want a brief output:
#LIST_FORMAT:   %4K %-12.12d %a
# If you want the Unix "ls -l" format:
# The default in userdefs.h gives you the Unix "ls -l" format:
#LIST_FORMAT:    %p %4l %-8.8o %-8.8g %7s %-12.12d %a

# Unix ONLY:
# DIRED_MENU items are used to compose the F)ull menu list in DIRED mode
# The behaviour of the default configuration given here is much the same
# as it was when this menu was hard-coded but these items can now be adjusted
# to suit local needs.  In particular, many of the LYNXDIRED actions can be
# replaced with lynxexec, lynxprog and lynxcgi script references.
# NOTE that defining even one DIRED_MENU line overrides all the built-in
# definitions, so a complete set must then be defined here.
# Each line consists of the following fields:
#       DIRED_MENU:type:suffix:link text:extra text:action
#       type: TAG: list only when one or more files are tagged
#             FILE: list only when the current selection is a regular file
#             DIR: list only when the current selection is a directory
#             LINK: list only when the current selection is a symbolic link
#       suffix: list only if the current selection ends in this pattern
#       link text: the displayed text of the link
#       extra text: the text displayed following the link
#       action: the URL to be followed upon selection
#       link text and action are scanned  for % sequences that are expanded
#       at display time as follows:
#                       %p  path of current selection
#                       %f  filename (last component) of current selection
#                       %t  tagged list (full paths)
#                       %l  list of tagged file names
#                       %d  the current directory
#DIRED_MENU:::New File:(in current directory):LYNXDIRED://NEW_FILE%d
#DIRED_MENU:::New Directory:(in current directory):LYNXDIRED://NEW_FOLDER%d

#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Install:(of current selection):LYNXDIRED://INSTALL_SRC%p
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Install:(of current selection):LYNXDIRED://INSTALL_SRC%p
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Modify File Name:(of current 
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Modify Directory Name:(of current 
#DIRED_MENU:LINK::Modify Name:(of selected symbolic 

# Following depends on OK_PERMIT
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Modify File Permissions:(of current 
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Modify Directory Permissions:(of current 

#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Change Location:(of selected 
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Change Location:(of selected 
#DIRED_MENU:LINK::Change Location:(of selected symbolic 
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Remove File:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://REMOVE_SINGLE%p
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Remove Directory:(current 
#DIRED_MENU:LINK::Remove Symbolic Link:(current 

# Following depends on OK_UUDECODE and !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::UUDecode:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UUDECODE%p

# Following depends on OK_TAR and !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.tar.Z:Expand:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UNTAR_Z%p

# Following depend on OK_TAR and OK_GZIP and !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.tar.gz:Expand:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UNTAR_GZ%p
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.tgz:Expand:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UNTAR_GZ%p

# Following depends on !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.Z:Uncompress:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://DECOMPRESS%p

# Following depends on OK_GZIP and !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.gz:Uncompress:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UNGZIP%p

# Following depends on OK_ZIP and !ARCHIVE_ONLY selection):LYNXDIRED://UNZIP%p

# Following depends on OK_TAR and !ARCHIVE_ONLY
#DIRED_MENU:FILE:.tar:UnTar:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://UNTAR%p

# Following depends on OK_TAR
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Tar:(current selection):LYNXDIRED://TAR%p

# Following depends on OK_TAR and OK_GZIP
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Tar and compress:(using GNU gzip):LYNXDIRED://TAR_GZ%p

# Following depends on OK_ZIP
#DIRED_MENU:DIR::Package and compress:(using zip):LYNXDIRED://ZIP%p

#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Compress:(using Unix compress):LYNXDIRED://COMPRESS%p

# Following depends on OK_GZIP
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Compress:(using gzip):LYNXDIRED://GZIP%p

# Following depends on OK_ZIP
#DIRED_MENU:FILE::Compress:(using zip):LYNXDIRED://ZIP%p

#DIRED_MENU:TAG::Move all tagged items to another 
#DIRED_MENU:TAG::Remove all tagged files and 
#DIRED_MENU:TAG::Untag all tagged items.::LYNXDIRED://CLEAR_TAGGED

# Unix ONLY:
# If NO_FORCED_CORE_DUMP is set to TRUE, Lynx will not force
# core dumps via abort() calls on fatal errors or assert()
# calls to check potentially fatal errors.  The compilation
# default normally is FALSE, and can be changed here.  The
# compilation or configuration default can be toggled via
# the -core command line switch.
# Note that this setting cannot be used to prevent core dumps
# with certainty.  If this is important, means provided by the
# operating system or kernel should be used.

# COLORS (only available if compiled with SVr4 curses or slang)
# The line must be of the form:
# COLOR:Integer:Foreground:Background
# The Integer value is interpreted as follows:
#     0 - normal               - normal text
#     1 - bold                 - hyperlinks, see also BOLD_* options above
#     2 - reverse              - statusline
#     3 - bold + reverse                (not used)
#     4 - underline                   - text emphasis (EM, I, B tags etc.)
#     5 - bold + underline            - hyperlinks within text emphasis
#     6 - reverse + underline         - currently selected hyperlink
#     7 - reverse + underline + bold  - WHEREIS search hits
# Each Foreground and Background value must be one of:
#      black              red            green            brown
#       blue          magenta             cyan        lightgray
#       gray        brightred      brightgreen           yellow
# brightblue    brightmagenta       brightcyan            white
# Uncomment and change any of the compilation defaults.

# External application support.  This feature allows lynx to pass a given
# URL to an external program.  It was written for three reasons.
# 1) To overcome the deficiency of Lynx_386 not supporting ftp and news.
#    External programs can be used instead by passing the URL.
# 2) To allow for background transfers in multitasking systems.
#    I use wget for http and ftp transfers via the external command.
# 3) To allow for new URLs to be used through lynx.
#         URLs can be made up such as mymail: to spawn desired applications
#         via the external command.
# Restrictions can be imposed using -restrictions=externals at the lynx
# command line.  This will disallow all EXTERNAL lines in lynx.cfg that
# end in FALSE.  TRUE lines will still function.
# The lynx.cfg line is as follows:
# EXTERNAL:<url>:<command> %s:<norestriction>
# <url> Any given URL.  This can be normal ones like ftp or http or it
# can be one made up like mymail.
# <command> The command to run with %s being the URL that will be passed.
# In Linux I use "wget -q %s &" (no quotes) to spawn a copy of wget for
# downloading http and ftp files in the background.  In Win95 I use
# "start ncftp %s" to spawn ncftp in a new window.
# <norestriction> This complements the -restrictions=externals feature to allow
# for certain externals to be enabled while restricting others.  TRUE means
# a command will still function while lynx is restricted.  WB
# EXTERNAL:ftp:wget %s &:TRUE
EXTERNAL:ftp:wget %s &:TRUE
EXTERNAL:phtml:post -duplex -html %s &:TRUE
EXTERNAL:pchtml:post -duplex -html -Ppcol26 %s &:TRUE

# Character level style handling
# Defaults: FORE=white, BACK=black


> 8. Was one of these binaries compiled with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS? Have you
>    tried this to see how it works on your machine?

No, neither was compiled with this.  And no I have not tried it.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
<URL:> <*> O- "We are all Kosh."
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should 
be construed as representing my employer's opinions.

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