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Re: lynx-dev printer options (patch)

From: Jason F. McBrayer
Subject: Re: lynx-dev printer options (patch)
Date: 22 Aug 1998 15:46:20 -0500

>>>>> "PW" == Philip Webb <address@hidden> writes:

PW> (2) to whom & in what way is the `Print to screen' option useful?
PW>     it's no use whatsoever to me on my XT-pretending-to-be-terminal;
PW>     i seem to remember being told long ago that it allowed
PW>     (anonymous?) people to physically print files via their terminal.
It's useful if you have absolutely no other way of doing file
transfers; you can transfer ascii files just by doing a 'print to
screen' and capturing the output in your terminal emulator.  At one
time it was useful to me when I was on a free-net.

| Jason F. McBrayer              address@hidden |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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