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Re: lynx-dev temporary files

From: Jason F. McBrayer
Subject: Re: lynx-dev temporary files
Date: 24 Jun 1998 17:43:53 -0600

>>>>> "TED" == T E Dickey <address@hidden> writes:

>> >>>>> "JP" == John Poltorak <address@hidden> writes: 
JP> There are over 27000 zero length files called L6544-xxxxxTMP.TXT 
JP> (where x is a digit) all with the same date stamp in my %TMP% 
JP> directory. 
JP> I assume they are LYNX temporary files... Should these have been 
JP> deleted automatically, or is it the user's responsibility to tidy 
JP> this up? 
>> If Lynx exits properly, it will delete them automatically.  Perhaps 
>> you are killing Lynx instead of exiting with 'q' or 'Q'? 

TED> or perhaps it was built from (I forget - dev.13?) the version where
TED> I had broken the code that removes temporary files.  afaik dev.16 is
TED> ok though.
Ack!  It was dev.13.  When I get back next month I'll have to
distribute Lynx binaries based on something newer.  Though it also
seems that dev13-based lynxen on my home machine are deleting their
temporary files just fine...I'll be gone for most of July; be kind to
the poor confused OS/2 users who drop in here until I get back!

| Jason F. McBrayer              address@hidden |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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