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Re: lynx-dev Incorrect content-type-headers

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Incorrect content-type-headers
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 04:42:58 -0400 (EDT)

980619 Michael Warner clarified: 
> On Thu, Jun 18, 1998, Philip Webb <address@hidden> wrote:
> > 980618 Ari Moisio wrote: 
> > > There were some discussions about incorrect content-type-headers & Lynx.
> > > Problem is misconfigured site which sends  text/plain -header
> > > instead of  text/html  and Lynx does not render the page.
> > > I haven't found any way to force Lynx to handle page as  text/html ,
> > >  -force_html  seems not to help.  Problematic url is
> > >
> > i found the same thing with 2-8pre.2, but  <head>  does say  text/html :
> Wrong head, I think - a HEAD request (']') shows text/plain.

hmm, no doubt you're right, but i don't understand
why people want to add all that junk at the beginning of their pages;
maybe that's what AM in effect was referring to.

> > the problem appears to be solved
> I think you probably saved the file with a .htm(l) extension,
> in which case it didn't (for me) matter what was in the <META ...> tag,
> it showed up rendered.  When I renamed the file without the extension,
> it showed up as source, again irrespective of the META content.

yes, that's exactly what i did.
the moral seems to be -- for anyone caught in AM's situation --
download the source into a file called  foo.html ,
then view it as a local file: slower, but it works.
> That's without -force_html, of course,
> which *will* make a difference rendering a local file, right?
well yes, but why would you ever want to  -force_html  on a local file,
which you can edit to be anything you please?

sorry if i sound argumentative -- you have educated me slightly -- ,
but we should try to be practical in our efforts to read WWW pages.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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