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Re: lynx-dev Re: suggestions for new features

From: Jason F. McBrayer
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: suggestions for new features
Date: 22 Apr 1998 22:13:34 -0600

>>>>> "JP" == Jacob Poon <address@hidden> writes:

JP> On Wed, 22 Apr 1998, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 1998 at 07:25:53PM +0200, Mitja Sarp wrote:
>> > 3) Downloading should happen in background, so wouldn't have to start
>> > another lynx for every download.
>> Check the DOWNLOADER directive in lynx.cfg.

JP> I don't think that's what the original writer wanted.  It seems
JP> this writer wanted Netscape-like downloading method where it opens
JP> up a small window for downloading the file, but allows you to
JP> switch back to the main window at any time.  I checked Lynx 2.8's
JP> DOWNLOADER directive, but it said nothing about background
JP> download (even if you can do it, it will be platform
JP> (Unix)-dependent).

You should instead check Lynx 2.8's EXTERNAL directive.  From the
sample lynx.cfg:

# External application support. This feature allows lynx to pass a given
# URL to an external program.  It was written for three reasons.
# 1) To overcome the deficiency of Lynx_386 not supporting ftp and news.
#    External programs can be used instead by passing the URL.
# 2) To allow for background    transfers in multitasking systems.
#    I use wget for http and ftp transfers via the external command.
# 3) To allow for new URLs to be used through lynx.
#         URLs can be made up such as mymail: to spawn desired applications
#         via the external command.

My EXTERNAL directives look like:

EXTERNAL:ftp:start "Saving location" /c /f wget -P /incoming -nd %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL:http:start "Saving location" /c /f wget -P /incoming -nd %s:TRUE

This is for OS/2; Win32 would probably look more or less the same.
For Unix, the equivalent would be something like:

EXTERNAL:ftp:xterm -T "Saving Location" -name "Saving Location" -e
        wget -P ~/incoming -nd %s:TRUE

(on one line,etc).  EXTERNALs could use a little work; you should be
able to use more than one external per protocol, but just for
downloading in another window they work just fine now.

Why does it seem like people are always asking on this list for
features Lynx already has?  Is it a deficiency in the documentation,
or does no one _read_ the documentation?

| Jason F. McBrayer              address@hidden |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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