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Re: LYNX-DEV LYMessages_en.h translation

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV LYMessages_en.h translation
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 10:16:09 +0900 (JST)

> > 10K/language x 10 languages = 100K.  All duplicates, mostly unwanted
> I see the tradeoff as useful.  I looked through the Lynx source for good
> pointers to translation files and couldn't find them.  Having them checked

So we need a list, preferably an .html file in the help file tree which
has links to the original source.  It would be much easier to maintain a
list of hyperlinks, and copies of the files in question on an http server
directory, than to keep the files stashed away in a subdirectory of the
distribution.  Once junk gets stuck in the distribution, no one seems to
have the guts to part with it anymore (reference to the /utils directory
which used to contain the whole inews distribution even after Lynx became
a full news client).

> into the source repository means we could theoretically generate stripped
> down tar.gz files.

Compression can only go so far.  No matter what you do, you're talking at
least 30% of the original file.  Even going to bz2 won't keep things down.

People on the list, are you really going to use more than one other language
besides English?  Just how many of you are going to use LYMessages_ja.h
(other than to try to sabbotage Netscrape)?

> Not having them in the source means they get lost. 

Why?  Do the Flora archives of the lynx-dev mailing list get lost?  Does Al's
FAQ get lost?  I'll gladly offer to store them (up to say 20-30 languages)
on a spare disk in .bz2 format.  I think it would be much more economical,
however, to let Scott or someone who has a good cpu/memory and fairly fat
Internet connection put them up for http (or ftp) download.

I guess I'm fighting a losing battle, but I sure would like to see that
magic number < 1.44 for the distribution.  Been fighting for over a year,
so not much sense in giving up now :).


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