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Re: LYNX-DEV searching for a documentation of LynX (not the manual)

From: SchoJo MIB
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV searching for a documentation of LynX (not the manual)
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 06:57:00 PDT

Hallo Klaus

>Lynx isn't very simple; and I don't think there is "the" way.
>For a simpler browser, you probably should have a look at the W3C
>(ex-CERN) Line Mode Browser.  See <URL:> and follow 
>"Libwww" link.  I don't know how functional that "example application"
>currently is, but there is documentation on the "Libwww Architecture".
>Some of that also still applies, somewhat, to parts of the Lynx source
>derived from an earlier libwww version.

Thank you for this link. I downloaded the source with the documentation 
and it seems to me that this could be a very helpful stuff.



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