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Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx32 for Win95

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx32 for Win95
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 05:20:47 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Thomas Manske wrote:
> Hello, I just found LYNX32 for Win95. I installed it and it work - very
> fast. But there are two things I want to change,but I don´t know how to.
> The first is the keyboard. How can I change the keyboard-layout. In
> germany we have difficult "Umlaut" äöü ÄÖÜ an so on.

and Peter Ebenhoch wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installed Lynx on my NT machine. Great program and ***fast***!
> My only problem is, that I can't get it work in conjunction with my
> German keyboard.
> Though I am sure that that can be configured, I wasn't able to find it
> anywhere in the documentation.
> If you  could send me a note where I can found the solution or how I can
> solve this problem I would be very glad.

Unfortunately, this is a known problem that hasn't been solved so far.
All or some users of Lynx32 with non-(US-?)English keyboards have the same
problem.  You can find messages about in in the lynx-dev archives at

Thomas Manske:
> The second are the colours on the screen. I use and VGA B/W. All colours
> in Lynx32 looks the same, so I can't see the highlighted HREF-fields.
> How to change this. I hope you can answer my questions.

Unless your Lynx is older than 2.7.1ac-0.49, there should be a field
on the O)ptions Screen for turning "show color" on or off.  Try setting
it to NEVER (and save with '>' if it does what you want).


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