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Re: LYNX-DEV possible problem with long option lists in select ??

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV possible problem with long option lists in select ??
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 21:09:49 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 4 Oct 1997, Nelson Henry Eric wrote:

> Recently I've been filling out forms, which I haven't done for quite
> a while.  Seems that there is some kind of problem with option lists,
> but I'm not sure if it is my use of CJK, Lynx's form handling or perhaps
> the form itself.  Could someone send me a few URLs of forms _in English_
> PORTIONS OF THE FORM when expanded so that I can do some testing?

How about Display Character Set on the Options Screen?

> The "problem" is that when there are options which when expanded cover
> other portions of the form (buttons?), and you navigate through the
> expanded option list covering the underlying form, the whole screen
> except for the left border of the option box shifts to the left one or
> two spaces.  If there is no remainder of the form under the option box,
> there is no problem or shift, i.e., if you did a ^G and got just enough
> to expand a select option box, but not the rest of the form.
> This is happening on lynx2-7-1ac74, but I noticed the same sort of problem
> before I gave ac60 up.  Similar problems seem to be on 2-7-1 + fotemods
> circa 97/07/05.  All of these compiled with slang library (Kanji support on),
What happens if you compile with slang library (Kanji support OFF)?
(What does the Kanji support of slang give you, by the way?)
I do not find your shifting effect on that page with slang on sol
(SLANG_VERSION 9937, I assume that means Kanji support is off).

> ac on SunOS4.1.3, fotemods on Solaris2.5.  In userdefs.h I have "#define
> may be a total disaster, but I'll check further before talking about that).

It would at least make it more easy to tell us what form fields you are
talking about, as in "Number [16]".

> I should do more testing, but a preliminary example I can offer is this
> section of a form (against which Fote once tweaked Lynx to perfection):
> $B!!!!!!!!$4=;=j!'(J<select name="prefecture" >
>            <OPTION VALUE="1" selected>$BEl5~ET(J
>            <OPTION VALUE="2" >$BKL3$F;(J
>            <OPTION VALUE="3" >address@hidden)(J
> ...
>            <OPTION VALUE="45" >$B5\:j8)(J
>            <OPTION VALUE="46" >$B</;yEg8)(J
>            <OPTION VALUE="47" >$B2-Fl8)(J
>            </SELECT><input type="text" name="address" size="35" 
> maxlength="128"
> Goto "";, [TAB] down 12 times to the
> select option list given above, hit return, then `j' (if using vi keys) down
> to beyond the 10th option value.  On my system, suddenly the corresponding
> line on the background form shifts one space to the left.

You don't say what size your screen (or window) is.  What is "under" e.g. the
11th option line may be totally different for different screen sizes.

> On the 11th to 19th
> option lines, the contents of the option box and the right hand border of the
> box itself shift one space to the left, and the background (original form)
> shifts 2 spaces to the left.  As I continue down the list, the option and
> box goes back to its original position, but the form in the background only
> goes back 1 space.  The highlighted (reversed color?) single space, i.e. 1/2
> of Japanese character, displayed to the left of the original option on the way
> down remains on the screen.  If I `k' up, the option, right-hand border and
> form in the background shifts to the left, so there is a net movement to the
> left of one space of the options and right border of the box, and two spaces
> of the background form. 

When I pretend to have a "Japanese (EUC)" display character set (of
course I don't), there is no problem with shiftings of that kind.

Anyway, does your problem really have anything to do with whether what
its under the popup box are other form fields?  Or is that just
accidental, and it depends on what characters are on that line (either
in the popup box, or the rest of the line)?


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