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LYNX-DEV [SysReq #3509] [Staff #68091] Some pages lynx can't load

From: Carl Buxbaum
Subject: LYNX-DEV [SysReq #3509] [Staff #68091] Some pages lynx can't load
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 17:54:55 -0400

Anyone know what's going on here?

This is failing with a 

406 None Acceptable

message with lynx version 2-7-1

Here's the page that I reach:

   Variant 1
   MIME Type: text/html
   Character set: unknown
   Language: unknown
   Encoding: none

and the information for that page:

Lynx Version 2.7.1

File that you are currently viewing

   Linkname: None Acceptable
    Charset: iso-8859-1 (assumed)
     Server: Oracle_Web_listener2.1/1.20in2
       Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 21:52:07 GMT
   Owner(s): None
       size: 5 lines
       mode: normal

Link that you currently have selected

   Linkname: Variant 1

We are running this on Irix 5.3, and it works ok with version 2-4.

 > From: <address@hidden>
 > Sender: address@hidden
 > To: address@hidden
 > Subject: [Staff #68091] Possible World DNS problems
 > Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 14:01:33 -0400
 > Comment from The World's WWW pages
 > Name -> John Kirby
 > comment -> The following domains give the correct IP using nslookup on your 
 > system.
 > However, using lynx to get to the addresses fails. I have reports from
 > some of your POP customers that they are unable to reach these domains.
 > Telnet-ing to port 80 to these servers from your system works.
 > Thru other ISPs, these systems are fully accessible.
 > For example: Tiac, AOL, Ziplink and BBN.
 > Please check on the following in your secondary DNS server:
 > some links on
 > These web sites are maintained by my company for one client.
 > Any explanations would be appreciated.
 > ------- end -------
 > ________________________________________________________________________
 > MIME-Version: 1.0
 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 > To: address@hidden
 > Cc: address@hidden
 > Reply-to: address@hidden
 > Subject: Re: [Staff #68091] Possible World DNS problems
 > In-Reply-To: <address@hidden>
 > References: <address@hidden>
 > FCC: ~/vm/sentmail
 > --text follows this line--
 >  > Comment from The World's WWW pages
 >  > 
 >  > Name -> John Kirby comment -> The following domains give the
 >  > correct IP using nslookup on your system.  However, using lynx to
 >  > get to the addresses fails. I have reports from some of your POP
 >  > customers that they are unable to reach these domains.  Telnet-ing
 >  > to port 80 to these servers from your system works.
 >  > 
 >  > Thru other ISPs, these systems are fully accessible.
 >  > For example: Tiac, AOL, Ziplink and BBN.
 > I think the problem is specfic to lynx: have you tried it with Lynx
 > from those that use lynx (you can run lynx through shell accounts on
 > tiac and I think Ziplink)?
 > I noticed these all run on oracle servers, and took a guess, sure
 > enough, lynx fails in the same way at
 > The error message lynx shows is "406 None Acceptable"; I'm not sure,
 > though, if it's lynx or oracle's server generating the message, and if
 > the problem is inherent to lynx or can be solved by a configuration
 > file under our control. I have passed your message (and this answer)
 > on to more experienced staff here.
 > levin
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