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Re: LYNX-DEV Question: Executable link is rejected due to '&' character

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Question: Executable link is rejected due to '&' character
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 08:18:47 -0500 (EST)

Gabriela Segarra <address@hidden> wrote:
>Dear Lynx developers,
>We just upgraded to version 2.7.1. and we notice that links of the form:
> <a href=lynxprog:COMMAND&> 
> (i.e., where you use an ampersand at the end of the command)
>don't work anymore. When you select such a link you get the message:
>Alert!: Executable link is rejected due to '&' character
>We are upgrading from a 2.3 version where the '&' was accepted. I was
>wondering if the use of '&' to run the given command in the background
>is no longer supported or if I have compiled it wrong or I'm using the
>wrong command options. The command options I use when I invoke lynx are:
> -restrictions=shell,suspend,bookmark_exec,exec_frozen,telnet_port 
>I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there is anything I
>can do to fix this, or if you could point me to the right documentation.
>Before sending this mail I look on the web and lynx documentetion for
>answers to this without any success.

        The !isalnum() character filter is in exec_ok() of src/LYGetFile.c.
You can change it to:

     *  Security: reject on strange character.
    for (cp = link; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
        if (!isalnum(*cp) && *cp != '_' && *cp != '-' &&
           *cp != ' ' && *cp != ':' && *cp != '.' &&
           *cp != '/' && *cp != '@' && *cp != '~' &&
           *cp != '$' && *cp != '&' && *cp != '\t') {
[...]                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The filter is maintained in accordance with the needs of David Trueman's
freenet.  I don't, offhand, see a reason for disallowing '&', but I'm
reluctant to allow it be default without feedback from David.


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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