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LYNX-DEV TODO page (was Re: #38...)

From: Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim)
Subject: LYNX-DEV TODO page (was Re: #38...)
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 16:28:52 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Larry W. Virden wrote:
> The one thing that _all_ lynx users have to understand is that there is
> no team around doing all the neat work for them; everyone kicks in on
> what they are interested in seeing done.  There is a wish list where
> folk can contribute ideas.  It's unfortunately currently called a 'todo'
> list, which is a) a misnomer and b) a bit misleading.  I don't think the
> intention is that 'someone' will go down the list and implement all this
> 'stuff'.  Instead, it's a point where things folks would like to see fixed
> or enhanced can be listed.  Then, if someone sees a project for class,
> their 'spare time', etc. they send alone a note to have the owner
> of the page mark their name down as looking into the item.

(I don't see where TODO is any different than WISHLIST, but...)

Anyone is welcome to write constructive suggestions onto the "TODO" page

I will occasionally organize suggestions into categories, but it's not
true that you need to send a note to me saying you are working on
anything.  Just do it.  

Have a nice weekend.

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