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LYNX-DEV feature request

From: Jude DaShiell
Subject: LYNX-DEV feature request
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 01:14:26 -0500 (EST)

Would it be possible for lynx in some future version
to add an urrl from the (g) command once a user types in that
urrl and a failed connection to that urrl has occurred?  This should only be 
if a lookup of the urrl has produced a valid ip number though.
A feature in addition to this one would be an user-requested validation
feature which would have lynx try that urrl at a later time to see if it became
possible to fully connect then.  Perhaps something lynx could try while the 
user was
on oter locations.  With that, probably a separate validate.html file
could be maintained and if a urrl validated then it could be moved
from validate.html to bookmark.html.
If lynx was doing validation the display of results should wait until
the user returns from the other location and perhaps show up as
the user exits the program that time.
If a user decides to give up on a urrl in validate.html they
could edit the file and remove the urrl.
The ultimate performance in this would be to have lynx
try to validate what's in the validate.html file while it's running without user
intervention automatically and silently but for some platforms
this would be infeasible.

jude <address@hidden>

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