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Re: LYNX-DEV <base href> change hurts me badly

From: Jason Baker
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV <base href> change hurts me badly
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 11:25:49 -0800

On Feb 13, Will Mengarini wrote:


> The subtopics might link directly to the text, which would be
> an http:// URL linking to the copy on the remote server, or they might
> link to subsubtopics, which would be further down in the local table
> of contents.  So http:// links were intermixed with file:// links.

But <BASE> is not a <BODY> tag - it's a <HEAD> tag.  You were taking
advantage of a bug in using <BASE> in the <BODY>.  That's my read from
looking at

Base lists its parent as HEAD, and there is no BASE tag listed
in the BODY listing.


> * I remember spending many hours searching online HTML documentation
>   when I first created my local tables of contents, trying to
>   get <base href> usage right, & I ended up just needing to hack
>   until I found something that worked.  Is there a hack I could
>   apply to the HTML I showed above that'd make it alert-free under
>   2-7?  Remember that although this would solve my problems, &
>   I'd be grateful for it, it doesn't help other users who may
>   be using "historical base hrefs" which no longer work, either
>   because file:// <base href>s now all seem to refer to the
>   current file, or because they're getting the apparent hang.

Check: for 3.2 specs.  They're
quite simple to understand in terms of what's allowed where, and
absolutely correct in what's allowed inside - you just need to understand
the lingo (IE: the BASE attributes are HREF, value CDATA, default value
is required).

I'm not sure that the BASE HREF needs to be absolute - but it definately
may only appear in the HEAD.

[immense included HTML file cut]

You really shouldn't attach things that big - think of the poor
folks on dialup POP connections.  Either include a URL, and people
can go look at it, or compress it, then attatch the compressed file.

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