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Re: LYNX-DEV typo in Lynx2-7 LYLocal.c ?

From: Larry W. Virden, x2487
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV typo in Lynx2-7 LYLocal.c ?
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 01:25:10 -0500

> I tried to archive directories in DIRED mode and to uncompress tar.gz 
> files. This does not work, since tar on mys system does not know an "e" 
> option.  Should the options in LYLocal.c be "-cfv" and "-xfv" instead of 
> "-cfe" and "-xfe"?

The e option, not available from GNU's tar, indicates that the tar operation
should shop immediately upon encountering an error.

Substituting a v there is not the same.  If you don't have an option
by some other name for this you should probably just leave the options
-cf and -xf.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
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