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LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx - rp

From: Rob Partington
Subject: LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx - rp
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 14:49:52 +0000 (GMT)

address@hidden wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I mirror lynx-rp at Do you think it still has any sense?
> Shouldn't I replace it by a mirror of Fote's modifications?

I'd mirror Fote's for now - his new code set doesn't work very well at
all with my style code, and trying to retrofit the patches was taking
too long, so since I may have some time on my hands in the next few
weeks (I've reached a sort of work pinnacle in that if I can get all
these things done, I can have a break for a while...) I'll be rewriting
my code to work with Fote's modifications.  The code needed rewriting
any[1], so hopefully I can get a better set of style patches done soon.

> PS Reply to lynx-dev if you feel it needs wider debate..


[1] The rewrite has already started; it now uses a hash table to convert
    the style "name" (like "A", or "STRONG", or "EM.BLUE") into a style.
Rob Partington / address@hidden / address@hidden

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