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Re: LYNX-DEV Hello

From: root
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Hello
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 23:20:22 -0500 (EST)

address@hidden wrote: 

> Hi I would like to know if lynx have graphic or audio? Is it lynx a
> software or a dail up bbs? If it's a software can you tell me how to get
> one? 
> my name is Bao Nguyen. Thank you. 

Lynx doesn't have graphics or audio capibilites.  Lynx is a web browser
whose primary purpose is web browsing from Unix or VMS shell accounts
without the capibilites to run a more demanding (though a not neccaserly a
more powerful) browser, such as netscape.  If you didn't know what I was
talking about for the last sentence, you can pretty much ignore lynx (except
when writing web pages.  You can get lots of information on lynx from  (If you don't currently have a working web
browser, I'm sure somebody else will give you a FTP address.  If you can't
get their either, send another e-mail.)  

Your welcome
 -- James Mastros
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