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Re: LYNX-DEV Badly formatted lynx display

From: Robert Bonomi
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Badly formatted lynx display
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:22:49 -0600 (CST)

This is *probably* a 'mis-match' between the _actual_ type of terminal
or terminal-emulation being used, and what LYNX "thinks" you have.  Any
resolution of this is O/S environment specific.  Lacking *any* information
on your environment, it is simply -not- possible to offer any help.

"Noise" on the line between you and the host computer can also manifest
itself with those kinds of symptoms. There is evidence in your mail message
that you *do* have a noise problem.

You have asked the equivalent of "I own a car. It's blue. Sometimes, when
I go around a curve, it runs rough.  How do I repair it?"

You have to provide -precise- details about your set-up -- i.e., (1) what is
the 'host' machine (manufacturer, O/S, O/S version, at a minimum), (2) what 
you are using as a 'terminal', (3) how the two are connected together, and
(4) the version of LYNX you're using.

You included -none- of that information.  Since you sent mail from within
LYNX, it -did- tag in the version number, *one* of the four pieces required
to intelligently discuss the situation is present.  Unfortunately, it is 
not enough, in this case.

+ From address@hidden  Mon Nov 25 17:07:46 1996
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PAA05406; Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:02:26 -0600 (CST)
+ Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:25:16 -0800 (PST)
+ From: Anthony Eriksson <address@hidden>
+ Message-Id: <address@hidden>
+ To: address@hidden
+ X-URL:
+ X-Mailer: Lynx, Version 2.5
+ Subject: LYNX-DEV Badly formatted lynx display
+ Sender: address@hidden
+ Errors-To: address@hidden
+ Precedence: bulk
+ Reply-To: address@hidden
+ Status: R
+ {Hi,
+ I have not been able to correct a problem with the display here from lynx
+ I suspect a change in the Options section might be needed, but I have been
+ unavle to find what the options are. Default Binding appears to have been 
+  The screen is not cleared be{ore writing the next page on top of the previous
+ one and reverse video occurs occasionally and words are spaced out
+ stran{ely. Can you help please.? replies to e-mail at
+ address@hidden  
+ ;
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