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Re: LYNX-DEV Multiple lynx.cfg files (was: reorganizing the lynx-archiv

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Multiple lynx.cfg files (was: reorganizing the lynx-archive)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 10:01:25 +0900 (JST)

> During the heyday of Lynx2-#-FM development, when I'd build a
> new Lynx every few days, I found constantly updating my lynx.cfg
> to be a real pain, since diff/patch kept failing multiple blocks

Love this.  I'm going to print this out and tape it to the wall!

> because I'd changed so much.  I ended up leaving the body of
> lynx.cfg unchanged, & always putting my all my .cfg stuff in a
> trailer at the end of lynx.cfg, so it was a single block that
> diff/patch could always find.  In other words, if there was a

I took another approach which might be worth sharing.  I use it
essentially for all three files one should/must change at update,
lynx.cfg, userdefs.h and Makefile, and in my case LYMessages_en.h
so that new ones get into LYMessages_ja.h.

Keep copies of the respective distribution files unchanged from the
previous distribution.  Run diff against the previous files you've
saved with the respective files from the new distribution.  Load the
diff file into an editor.  If you have 0 bytes or no changes, then you
know that you can use your personalized file as is from the previous
distribution.  If there is a diff or two, you already have it loaded
into your editor, so just :r in your personalized file and edit as
necessary.  The changes necessary are usually so minor that it's
hardly worth the bother of using patch or sed.  Also, it is easy
enough to write a script which takes you from unzipping the distribution
to editing your files right up to typing in `make'.  Does take about
10 minutes, 20 if there are lots of CHANGES and decisions to make.
(In your script for putting up a new Lynx, I highly recommend viewing
or moreing CHANGES.  Sometimes you can understand it ;^).

This approach has the advantage of allowing you to only put in your
personalized file what you need, eg. _my_ Makefile only has five
targets including my own for lpansi and no comments (=2593 bytes);
my lynx.cfg is only 6966 bytes, and most of that is unnecessary as is.


PS Will, I still can't figure out that `permission denied'.  Weird.
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