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From: Rob Partington - Admin
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 10:05:28 +0100 (BST)

Michael Richardson wrote:
> >>>>> "Rob" == Rob Partington <- Admin <address@hidden>> writes:
>     Rob> Well, I applied for it, but InterNIC, being the picky buggers
>     Rob> they are, rejected my first two - however my friendly
>     Rob> favourite sys admin (other than me) just did it the correct
>     Rob> way so it should work fine.
>   Argh. Okay. I got buried in email this week, so I didn't see this.


>   So you *did* get it registered afterall? Do you need secondaries?

Yes, and not really, but it might be nice to have another secondary just
in case - I'll see about changing the records.

Rob Partington / Netlink Sysadmin / address@hidden / 25y045d
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