/** ****************************************************************************** * @file ppposif_client.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief This file contains pppos client adatation layer ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.

* * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "ppposif_client.h" #include "plf_config.h" #if (USE_SOCKETS_TYPE == USE_SOCKETS_LWIP) /* LwIP is a Third Party so MISRAC messages linked to it are ignored */ /*cstat -MISRAC2012-* */ #include "ppp.h" /*cstat +MISRAC2012-* */ #include "ppposif.h" #include "ipc_uart.h" #include "ppposif_ipc.h" #include "rtosal.h" #include "main.h" #include "error_handler.h" #include "trace_interface.h" #include "dc_common.h" #include "cellular_service_datacache.h" #include "ppp.h" /* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define IPC_DEVICE IPC_DEVICE_0 #define PPPOSIF_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_VALUE 15000U #define PPPOSIF_CONFIG_FAIL_MAX 3 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct netif gnetif_ppp_client; static ppp_pcb *ppp_pcb_client; static osTimerId ppposif_config_timeout_timer_handle; static osSemaphoreId sem_ppp_init_client = NULL; /* Global variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static void ppp_notify_phase_client_cb(ppp_pcb *pcb, u8_t phase, void *ctx); static void ppposif_client_running(ppp_pcb *pcb); static void ppposif_client_dead(void); static void ppposif_reconf(void); static void ppposif_client_thread(void *argument); static void ppposif_config_timeout_timer_callback(void const *argument); /* Functions Definition ------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private Functions Definition ------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Notify phase callback (PPP_NOTIFY_PHASE) ========================================== Notify phase callback, enabled using the PPP_NOTIFY_PHASE config option, let you configure a callback that is called on each PPP internal state change. This is different from the status callback which only warns you about up(running) and down(dead) events. Notify phase callback can be used, for example, to set a LED pattern depending on the current phase of the PPP session. Here is a callback example which tries to mimic what we usually see on xDSL modems while they are negotiating the link, which should be self-explanatory: */ static void ppp_notify_phase_client_cb(ppp_pcb *pcb, u8_t phase, void *ctx) { UNUSED(ctx); (void)rtosalDelay(500U); /* hack, add a delay to avoid race condition with Modem which sends an LCP Request earlier. To be improved by syncing the input reading and PPP state machine */ switch (phase) { /* Session is down (either permanently or briefly) */ case PPP_PHASE_DEAD: PRINT_PPPOSIF("client ppp_notify_phase_cb: PPP_PHASE_DEAD") ppposif_client_dead(); break; /* We are between two sessions */ case PPP_PHASE_HOLDOFF: PRINT_PPPOSIF("client ppp_notify_phase_cb: PPP_PHASE_HOLDOFF") ppposif_reconf(); break; /* Session just started */ case PPP_PHASE_INITIALIZE: PRINT_PPPOSIF("client ppp_notify_phase_cb: PPP_PHASE_INITIALIZE") break; /* Session is running */ case PPP_PHASE_RUNNING: PRINT_PPPOSIF("client ppp_notify_phase_cb: PPP_PHASE_RUNNING") ppposif_client_running(pcb); break; default: break; } } /* ppposif thread */ static void ppposif_client_thread(void *argument) { UNUSED(argument); (void)rtosalSemaphoreAcquire(sem_ppp_init_client, RTOSAL_WAIT_FOREVER); while (true) { ppposif_input(&gnetif_ppp_client, ppp_pcb_client, IPC_DEVICE); } } static void ppposif_client_running(ppp_pcb *pcb) { dc_cellular_info_t cellular_info; struct netif *pppif; pppif = ppp_netif((pcb)); (void)rtosalTimerStop(ppposif_config_timeout_timer_handle); (void)dc_com_read(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); cellular_info.rt_state_ppp = DC_SERVICE_ON; cellular_info.ip_addr = pppif->ip_addr; (void)dc_com_write(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); } static void ppposif_client_dead(void) { dc_cellular_info_t cellular_info; (void)dc_com_read(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_client_dead: DC_SERVICE_OFF\r\n") cellular_info.rt_state_ppp = DC_SERVICE_OFF; (void)dc_com_write(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); } static void ppposif_reconf(void) { dc_cellular_info_t cellular_info; (void)ppp_close(ppp_pcb_client, 0U); PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_config_timeout_timer_callback") (void)dc_com_read(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); cellular_info.rt_state_ppp = DC_SERVICE_FAIL; (void)dc_com_write(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); } static void ppposif_config_timeout_timer_callback(void const *argument) { UNUSED(argument); ppposif_reconf(); } /* Exported functions Definition ------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief component init * @param none * @retval ppposif_status_t return status */ ppposif_status_t ppposif_client_init(void) { ppposif_ipc_init(IPC_DEVICE); return PPPOSIF_OK; } /** * @brief component start * @param none * @retval ppposif_status_t return status */ ppposif_status_t ppposif_client_start(void) { static osThreadId pppClientThreadId = NULL; ppposif_status_t ret = PPPOSIF_OK; PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_client_config") sem_ppp_init_client = rtosalSemaphoreNew((const rtosal_char_t *)"SEM_PPP_CLIENT_INIT", (uint16_t) 1U); (void)rtosalSemaphoreAcquire(sem_ppp_init_client, RTOSAL_WAIT_FOREVER); ppposif_config_timeout_timer_handle = rtosalTimerNew((const rtosal_char_t *)"PPPOSIF_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_timer", (os_ptimer)ppposif_config_timeout_timer_callback, osTimerOnce, NULL); pppClientThreadId = rtosalThreadNew((const rtosal_char_t *)"PPPosifClt", (os_pthread) ppposif_client_thread, PPPOSIF_CLIENT_THREAD_PRIO, (uint32_t)PPPOSIF_CLIENT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, NULL); if (pppClientThreadId == NULL) { ERROR_Handler(DBG_CHAN_PPPOSIF, 1, ERROR_FATAL); } return ret; } extern err_t nd6_send_rs(struct netif *netif); static void pppNetifStatusCB (struct netif *netif) { #if LWIP_IPV6 uint8_t i; #endif printf("\r\nCELL_PPP: PPP NETIF interface %s\r\n", netif_is_up(netif) ? "UP" : "DOWN"); #if LWIP_IPV6 // We've been notified that a change is about to take place on the interface. // Check if we now have a routable address instead of Link-local address only. for (i = 0; i < LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES; i++) { if (!ip_addr_isany(netif_ip_addr6(netif, i)) && !ip_addr_islinklocal(netif_ip_addr6(netif, i)) ) { printf( " Unicast IPv6 Address: %s\r\n", ip6addr_ntoa(netif_ip6_addr(netif, i))); } else { printf( " other IPv6 Address: %s\r\n", ip6addr_ntoa(netif_ip6_addr(netif, i))); } } #endif //nd6_send_rs(netif); } /** * @brief Create a new PPPoS client interface * @param none * @retval ppposif_status_t return status */ ppposif_status_t ppposif_client_config(void) { static uint32_t ppposif_create_done = 0U; err_t ppp_err; ppposif_status_t ret = PPPOSIF_OK; PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_client_config") ppposif_ipc_select(IPC_DEVICE); if (ppposif_create_done == 0U) { ppp_pcb_client = pppos_create(&gnetif_ppp_client, ppposif_output_cb, ppposif_status_cb, (void *)IPC_DEVICE); if (ppp_pcb_client == NULL) { ret = PPPOSIF_ERROR; ERROR_Handler(DBG_CHAN_PPPOSIF, 3, ERROR_FATAL); } else { netif_set_default(&gnetif_ppp_client); ppposif_create_done = 1U; } } if (ret == PPPOSIF_OK) { ppp_set_default((ppp_pcb_client)); ppp_set_notify_phase_callback(ppp_pcb_client, ppp_notify_phase_client_cb); ppp_set_usepeerdns((ppp_pcb_client), (1)); /* ppp_set_auth(ppp_pcb_client, PPPAUTHTYPE_PAP, "USER", "PASS"); */ (void)rtosalTimerStart(ppposif_config_timeout_timer_handle, PPPOSIF_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_VALUE); ppp_err = ppp_connect(ppp_pcb_client, 0U); (void)rtosalSemaphoreRelease(sem_ppp_init_client); if (ppp_err != (err_t)ERR_OK) { printf("ppp connection error %d\r\n", ppp_err); ret = PPPOSIF_ERROR; } ppp_set_netif_statuscallback(ppp_pcb_client, pppNetifStatusCB);//add by me } return ret; } /** * @brief close a PPPoS client interface * @param none * @retval ppposif_status_t return status */ ppposif_status_t ppposif_client_close(uint8_t cause) { dc_cellular_info_t cellular_info; PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_client_close") (void)rtosalTimerStop(ppposif_config_timeout_timer_handle); if (cause == PPPOSIF_CAUSE_POWER_OFF) { PRINT_PPPOSIF("ppposif_client_close : Closing PPP for POWER OFF") (void) ppposif_close(ppp_pcb_client); } else { (void)dc_com_read(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); cellular_info.rt_state_ppp = DC_SERVICE_FAIL; (void)dc_com_write(&dc_com_db, DC_CELLULAR_INFO, (void *)&cellular_info, sizeof(cellular_info)); } return PPPOSIF_OK; } #endif /* USE_SOCKETS_TYPE == USE_SOCKETS_LWIP */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/