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[lwip-devel] [patch #9883] Fix typos using codespell

From: Jonathan D
Subject: [lwip-devel] [patch #9883] Fix typos using codespell
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:41:21 -0500 (EST)
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Follow-up Comment #2, patch #9883 (project lwip):

Here is another review of the idea.

First patch "Add codespell wrappers ..." are the two scripts you asked.
Second patch "Fix typos ..." is an updated version considering your remarks
(sorry for the Makefile, it was a little bit late).

If you want a fast check, you can try with : "codespell -q 2
--ignore-words-list=nd,ans,tolen,ofo,wan -i1 $(git ls-tree -r --full-tree
--name-only HEAD | grep -E '\.([CcHh])$')" (-i1 discard multiple choices)
"codespell -q 2 --ignore-words-list=nd,ans,tolen,ofo,wan,mut -i3 $(git ls-tree
-r --full-tree --name-only HEAD | grep -E '\.([CcHh])$')" (it ask for input
over multiple choices)
The two scripts here are dry-run version (-w to write to files).

(file #48225, file #48226)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: 0001-Add-codespell-wrappers-check.sh-changed_files.sh.patch Size:3

File name: 0001-Fix-typos-using-codespell.patch Size:47 KB


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