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[lwip-devel] [patch #6483] Stats module improvement

From: Frédéric Bernon
Subject: [lwip-devel] [patch #6483] Stats module improvement
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:53:04 +0000
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                 Summary: Stats module improvement
                 Project: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
            Submitted by: fbernon
            Submitted on: dimanche 30.03.2008 à 10:53
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: None



In patch #6459, we have talk to some changes to do in stats module. I list
them here:

- some protocols needs some specific stats fields. add them in the
stats_proto will increase the memory needs, and there is already some fields
in this struct which are specific to only some protocols, and increase the
struct size for all others.

xmit (icmp.c, ip.c, ip_frag.c, icmp6.c, ip6.c, tcp_out.c, udp.c, ppp.c,
etharp.c) ~6 modules
rexmit (not used?) 0 modules
recv (used in icmp.c, ip.c, ip_frag.c, icmp6.c, ip6.c, tcp_in.c, udp.c,
ppp.c, etharp.c, slipif.c) ~6 modules
fw (used in ip.c and ip6.c) ~1 module
drop (used in icmp.c, ip.c, ip_frag.c, icmp6.c, ip6.c, tcpin.c, udp.c, ppp.c,
etharp.c, slipif.c) ~6 modules
chkerr (used in icmp.c, igmp.c, ip.c, icmp6.c, tcp_in.c, udp.c, ppp.c) ~6
lenerr (used in icmp.c, igmp.c, ip.c, icmp6.c, tcp_in.c, udp.c, ppp.c,
ppp_oe.c, etharp.c) ~6 modules
memerr (used in ip_frag.c, tcp_in.c, tcp_out.c, ppp.c, etharp.c) ~3 modules
rterr (used in ip.c, ip6.c, udp.c, ppp.c) ~3 modules
proterr (used in icmp.c, ip.c, icmp6.c, ip6.c, tcp_in.c, udp.c, ppp.c,
etharp.c) ~5 modules
opterr (used in ip.c and ppp.c) ~2 modules
err (used in icmp.c, ip.c, ip_frag.c, ip6.c, tcp_out.c, ppp.c, etharp.c) ~5
cachehit (used in ip_frag.c, udp.c, etharp.c) ~3 modules

There is 8 "proto" stats modules (7+1 for igmp). We could improve a little
bit the memory use for that.

- the stats_display function display all stats, and we can't really use it in
a production code. We need to find a solution to choose which informations are
displayed. In patch #6459, I wrote :

I think it would be good to add a function
stats_display_proto(struct stats_proto) or something to selectively display
the stats of one protocol only instead of displaying all. Only the current
functions are not nice enough for that.

yes, I think we could have some defines like ...

#define STATSDISPLAY_LINK   0x00000001
#define STATSDISPLAY_ETHARP 0x00000002
#define STATSDISPLAY_IPFRAG 0x00000004

add change the stats_display prototype with a "u32_t flags" parameter, or
a stats_display_with_flags function and make stats_display as a macro.

- SYS_STATS can't be displayed.


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