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[lwip-devel] [patch #6459] Minor changes to err.h, stats.c & httpd/fs

From: Frédéric Bernon
Subject: [lwip-devel] [patch #6459] Minor changes to err.h, stats.c & httpd/fs
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:57:30 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/

Follow-up Comment #4, patch #6459 (project lwip):

>stats.h/.c: I'd vote for making the functions static. Frédéric, which
function do you use externally? And how do you do it right now?

Actually, this is mainly stats_display_igmp. I have to declare it as "extern
void stats_display_igmp(struct stats_igmp *igmp);", and I call
"stats_display_igmp(&lwip_stats.igmp);". But if you change it to static, this
will give a linker error.

But I think the problem is more to have the possibility to select which stats
I want to display (that's why I don't use stats_display, because it's too
verbose). Perhaps add a parameter to stats_display to select which stats to
print could be a solution.


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