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RE : [lwip-devel] [patch #5919] Create compile switch toremoveselectcode

From: Goldschmidt Simon
Subject: RE : [lwip-devel] [patch #5919] Create compile switch toremoveselectcode
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 09:42:09 +0200

> >> I think to extend LWIP_SO_RCVTIMEO to TCP connections. It 
> will be the 
> >> same code, or something near...
> >What does that have to do with 'Create compile switch to 
> remove select 
> >code'?? :
> Just because you talk to use sys_arch_mbox_tryfetch for 
> support in netconn API the non-blocking receive, to avoid to 
> keep the event_callback...

Ah, OK. But that is not really the same as O_NONBLOCK!
Does that require the event_callback? I think now that we
have the new mbox function(s?), we could do many things cleaner.
If we had a non-blocking receive, the sockets code could get much

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