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[Lp-italia] If you are curious about what is going wrong with Ubuntu, re

From: al3xu5 / dotcommon
Subject: [Lp-italia] If you are curious about what is going wrong with Ubuntu, read this.
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 21:26:50 +0100

Riporto (da http://www.groklaw.net/) questa interessante news (che
potete trovare nel pannello delle nesw sulla destra di groklaw).

Nella news, dal titolo:
"If you are curious about what is going wrong with Ubuntu, read this."

viene citato l'articolo:
"Giving up the GIMP is a sign of Ubuntu's mainstream maturity" (sic!)
presente in:

In breve, Ubuntu rimuoverà GIMP dai software installati di default,
sostituendolo con un F-Spot con un "potenziato" editor di immagini

Groklaw descrive il processo di decisione (svoltosi all'ultima
conferenza semestrale degli sviluppatori di Ubuntu) come disinvolto e
superficiale. Ma, ciò che spaventa davvero, è che F-Spot è scritto in
C# ovvero Mono...

Segue il testo della news:

--- inizio ---

If you are curious about what is going wrong with Ubuntu, read this.

[PJ: The article, titled "Giving up the GIMP is a sign of Ubuntu's
mainstream maturity," paints replacing it with FSpot as a fine thing,
and manages to do so without even mentioning mono (Wikipedia: "F-Spot
is written in the C# programming language using Mono."). So for me,
it's good bye to Ubuntu until they clean it out. It's a question of
ethics, but it's also a question of prudence. If you know about
patents, even if you think they are stupid, you are foolish at best to
pretend they don't exist.

And if you wondered why Ubuntu is going wrong, in my view, read the
following decision-making process, and think about how easy it is to
direct anything in a particular direction if all you need is numbers
(think Slashdot moderation and Microsoft). A project leader has to
decide certain issues, according to the vision, not leaving all
decisions, particularly legal ones, to a vote by those who are not even

"Ubuntu adheres to a six-month development cycle that follows the GNOME
release schedule. At the start of each cycle, Canonical hosts a
developer summit that brings together its own team, a multitude of
community contributors, and upstream developers from prominent
open-source software projects. The event primarily consists of planning
sessions that address specific features or technical issues. Proposed
changes to the platform are described in "blueprint" pages on the
Launchpad development site.

During each session, participants flesh out the blueprint and take
notes in a shared document that is written with Gobby, a collaborative
text editor. Remote participants who are not in the actual room can
still be involved in the process by accessing the Gobby document,
connecting to an IRC channel for the session, and listening to a live
audio stream of the discussion. To understand how many Ubuntu
development decisions are made at UDS, it's important to recognize that
the process is extremely inclusive and transparent. The event is open
to everyone who wants to be involved. - Ryan Paul, ars technica"

--- fine ---

al3xu5 / dotcommon

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