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Version 3.27 of Lout now available

From: Jeff Kingston
Subject: Version 3.27 of Lout now available
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:00:50 +1100

Version 3.27 of Lout is now available from my ftp directory:


As usual the User's Guide is available separately at


Please let me know of any problems.  It all works well for
me, but there are quite a lot of changes so I suppose there
will be the odd glitch here and there.  In particular, I've
been fiddling with line endings so DOS users might (I say
might) get a bumpy ride.  Please let me know how it goes.

Here's the relevant excerpt from the "whatsnew" file:

Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.27 [22 November 2002]

    Fixes for all bugs, including table running headers and index headers
    Repeated @PrependGraphic of same file allowed and ignored
    Repeated @Include of same file of definitions allowed and ignored
    Pie graphs (see new chapter of User's Guide)
    Textures, a.k.a. patterns (see new section of Basic Graphics chapter,
      and revisions to @Tbl, @Pie, @Diag, and @Graph chapters)
    User's Guide no longer mentions @Diag lengths (1.2 cm, 0.5 ft etc),
      although they are still available for backward compatibility
    Arrowheads at opposite ends of a @Diag link now each have own style,
      length, and width (NB this is marginally not upward compatible)
    User's Guide now recommends "paint { none }" to get no paint, although
      the old "nopaint" value is still available for backward compatibility
    Any line anywhere can end in any of \n, \r, \r\n, or \n\r
    26 more strings recognised as keywords in @CP C/C++ printing
    Lots more named colours using Mark Summerfield's @Xrgb symbol
    Glossaries, following a design by Thorsten Seitz
    @IndexFormat, @SubIndexFormat, @SubSubIndexFormat options for
      changing the format of index entries
    @IndexSpacer and @IndexLetters - spacers (headers) within indexes
    In @Diag, @Box and @ShadowBox now have NNW, NNE, SSW, and SSE tags
    User's Guide has revised and larger (17-page) index

Jeff Kingston

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