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Re: maximum size 57.790c exceeded (with source)

From: Glenn Reed
Subject: Re: maximum size 57.790c exceeded (with source)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 22:30:25 GMT



The problem is that I have two problems.

1.  I can't split the two tables up into separate pages even though I
am using @NP between them.

2.  If I uncomment the bottom lines of the last table.  (Remove the
#'s) then it won't work.

In both cases I get the error message:
4,1 fatal error : maximum size 57.790c exceeded

Is it possible to get two tables on to separate pages? Or is it
possible to issue a new page command after a table?
What do those two numbers in from 4,1 mean?  Row, Column?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my source file in full:
@SysInclude { tab }
@SysInclude { eq }
@SysInclude { doc }
   @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 15p }
@Text @Begin
@Display @Heading { Changing the Subject - Worked Examples }
@Display { 10p @Font {Copyright @CopyRight 1996 - Glenn Reed, All
Rights Reserved.}}
@LeftDisplay @Heading { Positive X Terms }
@LeftDisplay @Tab
   vmargin {0.5c}
   above {yes}
    below {yes}
    side {single}
    between {single}
   @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
   @Rowa A { To make x the subject } B address@hidden { 2y + x - 3 ^= 5 }}
   @Rowa A { Add 3 to both sides } 
         B address@hidden { 2y + x -3 red @Colour {+ 3} ^= 5 red @Colour {+ 3}
   @Rowa A { Now -3 + 3 = 0 so ... } B address@hidden { 2y + x ^= 8 }}
   @Rowa A { Subract 2y from both sides } 
         B { @Eq {2y red @Colour {- 2y} + x ^= 8 red @Colour {- 2y}}}
   @Rowa A { Out pops the answer } B { x ^= 8 - 2y }
# Ent of @Tab section

@LeftDisplay @Heading { Negative X Terms }
# @LeftDisplay 
   vmargin {0.5c}
   above {yes}
    below {yes}
    side {single}
    between {single}
   @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
   @Rowa A { To make x the subject } B address@hidden { 4y - x ^= 5 over 6 }}
   @Rowa A { Subtract 4y from both sides } 
         B address@hidden { 4y red @Colour {- 4y} - x ^= 5 over 6 red @Colour {-
4y} }}
   @Rowa A { Now 4y - 4y = 0 so ... } B address@hidden { -x ^= 5 over 6 - 4y }}
#   @Rowa A { Multiply through by -1 } 
#         B { @Eq { cyan @Colour {-1 times} -x ^= cyan @Colour {-1
#                 5 over 6 cyan @Colour {-1 times} -4y }}
   @Rowa A { Out pops the answer } B { x ^= -5 over 6 + 4y }

@End @Text

On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:56:36 +0000 (GMT), Andrew Bardsley
<address@hidden> wrote:

>On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Glenn Reed wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone tell me what the following error message means?
>> 4,1 fatal error : maximum size 57.790c exceeded
>I tend to get these kind of messages when concatenating two
>large items without putting an appropriate line-break type
>symbol between them.
>Are your two figures in Displays?
>- Andrew
>    _______________
>___/Andrew Bardsley\____________________________________________
>University_of_Manchester Dept. of Computer Science  AMULET Group
>PhD__/student Mail:\bardsleyATcs.man.ac.uk_Tel:_+44_161_275_6844
>Snail: Room IT302, Man. Uni., Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

E-mail: address@hidden

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