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Re: [lmi] PATCH: wxGrid-based census view

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] PATCH: wxGrid-based census view
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 12:01:43 +0000
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On 2020-08-19 22:27, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:

[...keystrokes in GUI test...]

>  The wonders of wxGrid are indeed infinite because even after spending so> 
> much time on it, I still didn't realize that WXK_ESCAPE could be used for> 
> clearing selection -- but you're right, it does, and using it here would be> 
> better, if only because it's less arbitrary than WXK_UP.

Back in the 1980s, the most popular spreadsheet was lotus-123.
It was also the most popular word processor, because experienced
users could use it for that purpose without learning a whole new
set of keystrokes for wordstar or whatever. What separated the
sheep from the goats was being able to use the keyboard without
a cardboard overlay explaining what each key does.

Because in that era I was among the "goats", I was slightly
surprised that wxGrid doesn't use End as a mode key, as in:
  press and release End; then
  press and release an arrow key
which had the same effect as pressing and holding Ctrl, then
pressing an arrow key (and only then releasing both). Even
'libreoffice calc' doesn't support that, although 'gnumeric' and
'excel' do. I wouldn't bother implementing that in wxGrid: once
'excel' came along and supported the more CUA-ish Ctrl+arrowkey,
we all favored that and stopped using End in that cumbersome way.

(I won't even bother testing whether ScrollLock works the same
way it did in old-time spreadsheets: it wasn't all that useful,
and that key no longer works on my keyboard.)

>  Would you like another PR applying the patch above or will you just> 
> test/commit it yourself?
I've tested and committed a change, and will push it in due course.

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