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[lmi] wx_test_default_input.cpp

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] wx_test_default_input.cpp
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:28:03 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0

// comment below changes the original specification, and does not
// yet describe the present code. Desired changes:
//  - Run this test only when the '--distribution' option is given.
//  - Write selected parameters to stdout as prescribed.
//  - "EffectiveDate" is now compared to the first day of the current
//    month, but should instead equal the first day of the next month.

/// Test selected parameters in the user-customizable default cell.
/// Run this test only when the '--distribution' option is given.
/// Write "ProductName" and "GeneralAccountRate" to stdout in that
/// order on a single line. We maintain several different binary
/// distributions, each with a specific default product, and that
/// product's general-account rate is a crucial parameter that often
/// varies from one month to the next, so a spot check seems wise.
/// Write "EffectiveDate" to stdout, as JDN and as YYYYMMDD,
/// all on a single line, e.g.:
///   EffectiveDate: 2457024 2015-01-01
/// Validate "EffectiveDate": when a binary distribution is prepared,
/// this is normally the first day of the next month. Perform this
/// test after writing parameters to stdout, so that they're still
/// written even if this test fails.

[Vadim--this specification is being re-reviewed and may change, so
please don't work on it before December thirteenth.]

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