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[lmi-commits] [lmi] odd/eraseme_error b19754f 06/10: Show shifts in opti

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] odd/eraseme_error b19754f 06/10: Show shifts in optional trace
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2021 06:22:14 -0400 (EDT)

branch: odd/eraseme_error
commit b19754fc32630e6155cacf026667cf121da04c6f
Author: Gregory W. Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net>
Commit: Gregory W. Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net>

    Show shifts in optional trace
    Operations 'j' and 'k' are shifts of {a,b,c} that maintain invariants:
        force_b_and_c_to_bracket_root    // j
        force_b_to_be_best_approximation // k
    and displaying them explicitly makes the trace easier to follow.
    For example, the fourth evaluation of the objective function (resulting
    from inverse quadratic interpolation) in this trace excerpt:
    #eval       a        fa       b         fb       c       fc
      3 L       5  0.609438 3.80896   0.337356     0.5 -1.69315
      4 Q 3.80896  0.337356 2.57754  -0.053165     0.5 -1.69315
      4 j 3.80896  0.337356 2.57754  -0.053165 3.80896 0.337356
      5 L 2.57754 -0.053165 2.74518 0.00984766 3.80896 0.337356
    caused b and c to be on the same side of a root (because fb and fc have
    the same sign), but Brent's method requires them to bracket a root--so
    c's old value is discarded and replaced by a's value, before choosing
    the fifth candidate for evaluation. (It might be clearer to suppress the
    redundant "4" in "4 j", but the benefit doesn't justify the complexity.)
    Brent's method is a state machine. The state consists of:
      three abscissae {a,b,c} and their ordinates {fa,fb,fc}
    and there are nine operations that affect that state. In the trace,
    each element of the state is a column, each operation is a row, and
    row labels like '4 j' show the evolution.
 zero.hpp      | 24 ++++++++++++++----------
 zero_test.cpp | 10 +++++++++-
 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zero.hpp b/zero.hpp
index a45284f..663a6b5 100644
--- a/zero.hpp
+++ b/zero.hpp
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ enum root_bias
     ,bias_higher // Require  0.0 <= f(z).
-enum root_technique
-    {evaluate_bounds
-    ,force_b_and_c_to_bracket_root
-    ,force_b_to_be_best_approximation
-    ,interpolate_linear
-    ,interpolate_inverse_quadratic
-    ,dithering_near_root
-    ,secant_out_of_bounds
-    ,parabola_not_single_valued
-    ,guarantee_linear_convergence
+enum root_technique                   // trace:
+    {evaluate_bounds                  // i
+    ,force_b_and_c_to_bracket_root    // j
+    ,force_b_to_be_best_approximation // k
+    ,interpolate_linear               // L
+    ,interpolate_inverse_quadratic    // Q
+    ,dithering_near_root              // 0
+    ,secant_out_of_bounds             // 1
+    ,parabola_not_single_valued       // 2
+    ,guarantee_linear_convergence     // 3
 enum root_validity
@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ root_type lmi_root
             fc = fa;
             d = e = b - a;
             technique = force_b_and_c_to_bracket_root;
+            expatiate();
         // If 'c' is a closer approximant than 'b', then swap them,
         // discarding the old value of 'a'.
@@ -334,6 +335,7 @@ root_type lmi_root
              a =  b;  b =  c;  c =  a;
             fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fa;
             technique = force_b_to_be_best_approximation;
+            expatiate();
         double tol = 2.0 * epsilon * std::fabs(b) + t;
         double m = 0.5 * (c - b);
@@ -540,12 +542,14 @@ double brent_zero
     c = a; fc = fa; d = e = b - a;
     technique = force_b_and_c_to_bracket_root;
+    expatiate();
     if(std::fabs(fc) < std::fabs(fb))
          a =  b;  b =  c;  c =  a;
         fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fa;
         technique = force_b_to_be_best_approximation;
+        expatiate();
     tol = 2.0 * DBL_EPSILON * std::fabs(b) + t;
     m = 0.5 * (c - b);
diff --git a/zero_test.cpp b/zero_test.cpp
index 603a850..2441887 100644
--- a/zero_test.cpp
+++ b/zero_test.cpp
@@ -451,19 +451,27 @@ void test_celebrated_equation()
     std::string const verified = 1 + R"--cut-here--(
 #eval            a           fa            b           fb            c         
   2 i -2.5600000000000001 -16.657216000000002 2.5600000000000001 
6.6572160000000018            0            0
+  2 j -2.5600000000000001 -16.657216000000002 2.5600000000000001 
6.6572160000000018 -2.5600000000000001 -16.657216000000002
   3 L 2.5600000000000001 6.6572160000000018 1.0980323260716793 
-5.8721945393772152 -2.5600000000000001 -16.657216000000002
+  3 j 2.5600000000000001 6.6572160000000018 1.0980323260716793 
-5.8721945393772152 2.5600000000000001 6.6572160000000018
   4 L 1.0980323260716793 -5.8721945393772152 1.783216881610604 
-2.8960493667789873 2.5600000000000001 6.6572160000000018
   5 Q 1.783216881610604 -2.8960493667789873 2.2478393639958036 
1.8621631139566732 2.5600000000000001 6.6572160000000018
+  5 j 1.783216881610604 -2.8960493667789873 2.2478393639958036 
1.8621631139566732 1.783216881610604 -2.8960493667789873
   6 L 2.2478393639958036 1.8621631139566732 2.0660057758331045 
-0.3135140955237814 1.783216881610604 -2.8960493667789873
+  6 j 2.2478393639958036 1.8621631139566732 2.0660057758331045 
-0.3135140955237814 2.2478393639958036 1.8621631139566732
   7 L 2.0660057758331045 -0.3135140955237814 2.0922079131171945 
-0.026123094109737011 2.2478393639958036 1.8621631139566732
   8 Q 2.0922079131171945 -0.026123094109737011 2.0945566700001779 
5.7910818359374616e-05 2.2478393639958036 1.8621631139566732
+  8 j 2.0922079131171945 -0.026123094109737011 2.0945566700001779 
5.7910818359374616e-05 2.0922079131171945 -0.026123094109737011
   9 L 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05 2.0945514746903111 
-7.6478343657981895e-08 2.0922079131171945 -0.026123094109737011
+  9 j 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05 2.0945514746903111 
-7.6478343657981895e-08 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05
  10 L 2.0945514746903111 -7.6478343657981895e-08 2.0945514815423065 
-2.2382096176443156e-13 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05
  11 Q 2.0945514815423065 -2.2382096176443156e-13 2.0945514815423265 
-8.8817841970012523e-16 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05
  12 Q 2.0945514815423265 -8.8817841970012523e-16 2.0945514815423274 
9.7699626167013776e-15 2.0945566700001779 5.7910818359374616e-05
+ 12 j 2.0945514815423265 -8.8817841970012523e-16 2.0945514815423274 
9.7699626167013776e-15 2.0945514815423265 -8.8817841970012523e-16
+ 12 k 2.0945514815423274 9.7699626167013776e-15 2.0945514815423265 
-8.8817841970012523e-16 2.0945514815423274 9.7699626167013776e-15
-    LMI_TEST(verified == oss.str());
+    LMI_TEST_EQUAL(verified, oss.str());
 #endif // defined LMI_X86_64 && defined LMI_POSIX

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