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Re: [Linphone-users] Android H264 question

From: Sylvain Berfini
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Android H264 question
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 18:29:28 +0100
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Hi Franck,

H264 is as you may know a patended codec. Until now we were allowed to publish Linphone with it enabled without paying fees, but not anymore. That's why it is disabled on the market latest version.
However, you can still download the linphone sources and compile yourself the android binary (best solution), or you can download one of the daily linphone android builds (doesn't requiere any compilation, but can be unstable).
For both of the solutions, you'll find the information you need here :


Sylvain Berfini
Software Engineer @ Belledonne Communications
Le 10/01/2013 18:10, Franck Danard a écrit :
Hi all, and happy new year.

Since the last update, there's no h264 codec. :-\
Before this last version, the H264 has been enabled, and it worked fine.
Today, i cannot use Linphone under android (Galaxy S), There's only one codec VP8.
How to have a Linphone package including the h264 codec please?

Best regards
Franck Danard

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