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Re: custom replace/map of one set of pitches to another

From: Michael Winter
Subject: Re: custom replace/map of one set of pitches to another
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 13:03:11 +0200 (CEST)

I am now realizing that it would be useful to have this both at the level of the entire score and individually for each part.

Aug 31, 2023, 12:53 by
I would like to do something (hopefully simple), which is basically a custom find and replace for a set of notes in an entire score.

For example {c cis d dis fih g aih} -> {c cis dih dis f gis a}

So basically on arbitrary list of pitches / scale  to another.

Is this possible without writing a custom function. If not, any hints on how to tackle the problem would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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