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Re: s-curve slurs across staves?

From: William Rehwinkel
Subject: Re: s-curve slurs across staves?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:56:54 -0400
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What PDF did you find this in?


On 8/16/23 12:50, Jin Choi wrote:
I came across a PDF describing updates to \shape that let you use head centered coordinates and polar coordinates that would make this easier. But my 2.24.0 version of lilypond doesn’t seem to include \shapeII. What is the status of that?

On Aug 16, 2023, at 5:33 AM, Lukas-Fabian Moser <> wrote:

Hi Jin,

Am 16.08.23 um 04:48 schrieb Jin Choi:
Is it possible to get this style of s-curve shaped slurs across staves?
It's possible, but it's not fun.

\version "2.24.0"

\new PianoStaff
  \new Staff = upper {
      \shape #'((0 . 0) (4 . -2) (0 . 6) (1 . 3)) Slur
      <e' gis'>8_( <dis' fisis'> <e' gis'> \change Staff = lower <e gis>4)
      \new Voice { s2 r }
  \new Staff = lower \with { \clef bass } {
    cis,4 r s r


Slurs live in a single voice (that's something I'm working on, but I don't have much time for LilyPond work at the moment), so we have to create one voice that switches to the other staff on the way. Then we have to adjust the control points manually, a task which is made harder by the need to manually move the right tip of the slur from "under the note" to "above the note".

There's definitely room for improvement, both in my example and in LilyPond proper.


+ ------------------------------------------- +
|   William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and   |
|                          Conservatory '24   |
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