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Re: Polyphonic piano writing - beam directions

From: William Rehwinkel
Subject: Re: Polyphonic piano writing - beam directions
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 21:12:41 -0400
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Dear Jin,

In the future, it will be helpful to include a minimum working example, so we can get a better idea of what step you are at, and what exactly the problem is, so we can modify the code more directly.

For writing cross-staff beams, you can use \voiceOne when the notes go to the bottom staff and \voiceTwo when they go to the top to replicate kneed staves, like

\version "2.25.7"

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "up" \relative g' { \voiceTwo g16 e c \change Staff = "do" \voiceOne g e g \change Staff = "up" \voiceTwo c e}
  \new Staff = "do" \with {\clef bass } s2

\markup { as opposed to for example: }

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "up" \relative g' { \voiceTwo g16 e c \change Staff = "do" g e g \change Staff = "up" c e}
  \new Staff = "do" \with {\clef bass } s2


On 8/8/23 19:42, Jin Choi wrote:
I’m trying to transcribe a piano piece (Rachmaninoff 3 first mvt)  that has several sections that are most easily written as polyphonic passages with different voices.

As an example, from, starting at rehearsal mark 2 on page 5.

I would like to have the lower voice use kneed beams as in this score, but if I use \voiceOne and \voiceTwo for the two voices, the second voice has all down stems regardless of the value of auto-knee-gap. How can I write polyphonic voices, but control the beam direction in the second voice when necessary? And can I force a kneed beam if auto-knee-gap isn’t doing it? 

What is the meaning of the value of auto-knee-gap, by the way? Is it staff spaces? What about when you change staffs? What if the two staffs are in the same clef and you jump from a note in the bottom staff to the same note in the upper clef?

Thanks for any information.

+ ------------------------------------------- +
|   William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and   |
|                          Conservatory '24   |
|         |
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