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Splitting chaotic glissando to parts

From: Helge Kruse
Subject: Splitting chaotic glissando to parts
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 08:35:50 +0200
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I have struggling for a while with few measures and I am currently a bit
frustrated. I use the great fancy glissando from LSR 1066
( to write some chaotic
glissandi. The players should start one after the other. For that
purpose the composer used a triplet as then notation.

I think I got a acceptable result in the score. The starting points of
the glissando lines are a bit too far from the note heads though.

But it's hard to generate the parts. I tried \keepWithTag for the first
time to get just one item of the triplet. But now I get even more
unexpected results. The first part has a double glissando surprisingly.
The line ends not before but inside the terminating chord. The second
part has an additional gap between the starting chord and the begin of
the glissando line.

How can this be fixed (double line terminating x position in 1st part)
and improved (distance in 2nd and 3rd part)?

The example is not very minimal. But I hope it's short enough. The file
from the LSR is attached as file because I don't think that's in
question. The score in question is below.

Best regards,

\version "2.19.81"
\language "deutsch"

\include "FancyGliss.ily"

scoreDUpperHarpI = \relative c'' {
  \override Glissando.cross-staff = ##t
         (.5 -2)
         (1 -0.5)
         (1.5 -3)
         (2 0)
         (2.5 -12)
         (3 0)

    \tag #'partiture {
       \hideNotes e'8*16\glissando  \unHideNotes
    < h h'>4 r
    \tag #'partI {
      \tuplet 3/2 { <cis, d a' es'>8\glissando
                    \temporary \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t
                    r r }

    \revert NoteColumn.glissando-skip
    < h h'>4 r

scoreDLowerHarpI = \relative c' {
  \time 2/4
   s2 s s s
   r4 r

scoreDUpperHarpII = \relative c'' {
    \tag #'partII {
      \tuplet 3/2 { r8 <cis d a' es'>8 r
      \override Glissando.cross-staff = ##t
         (0.8 -14)
         (2.4 2)
      \hideNotes g'8*14\glissando  \unHideNotes
      \revert NoteColumn.glissando-skip
      < h h'>4 r
    \tag #'partiture
      \override Glissando.cross-staff = ##t
         (0.8 -14)
         (2.4 2)
      \hideNotes e8*15\glissando  \unHideNotes
      < h h'>4 r

scoreDLowerHarpII = \relative c' {
   \time 2/4
   s2 s s s
   r4 r

scoreDUpperHarpIII = \relative c'' {
    \tuplet 3/2 {
      \tag #'partiture {
        \change Staff=upperI <cis d a' es'>8
        \change Staff=upperII <cis d a' es'>
        \change Staff=upperIII <cis d a' es'>
      \tag #'partIII {
        r8 r <cis d a' es'>

    \override Glissando.cross-staff = ##t
         (.1 -4)
         (.6 -2.5)
         (1.4 -5)
         (1.6 -2.5)
         (2.1 -14)
         (2.6 0)
    \hideNotes e8*14\glissando  \unHideNotes
    < h' h'>4 r

scoreDLowerHarpIII = \relative c' {
  \time 2/4
  s2 s s s
  r4 r

%% =========================================================
scoreDHarpIPart = \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upperI"  <<  \scoreDUpperHarpI >>
  \new Staff = "lowerI"  { \clef bass \scoreDLowerHarpI }

scoreDHarpIIPart = \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upperII"  << \scoreDUpperHarpII >>
  \new Staff = "lowerII"  { \clef bass \scoreDLowerHarpII }

scoreDHarpIIIPart = \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upperIII"  << \scoreDUpperHarpIII >>
  \new Staff = "lowerIII"  { \clef bass \scoreDLowerHarpIII }

\book {
    \bookpart {
    \score {
      \keepWithTag #'partiture

    \score { \keepWithTag #'partI  \scoreDHarpIPart }
    \score { \keepWithTag #'partII \scoreDHarpIIPart }
    \score { \keepWithTag #'partIII \scoreDHarpIIIPart }

Attachment: FancyGliss.ily
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