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Re: Chords and what they mean

From: Blöchl Bernhard
Subject: Re: Chords and what they mean
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:57:58 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.5

I just was rereading your post as Charm (in a later post) recommended.

If I interpret you correctly, you would like a personal chord library yourself? A library you can maintain/care yourself? Good idea! Harm was sending me a piece of code for arabic scales (many thanks!!! Great! Works perfect). With this I had the idea to segment Lilypond to some "special interest segments" overlaying a general Lilypond basis. (Finding appropriate segments is an art!) I am sure some people use jazz harmonics other never will. Or arabic quarte tone scales ... etc.

Special interest groups? That should not necessarily mean a segmentation of the blog.


Am 18.09.2015 19:53, schrieb address@hidden:
Hi all!

This thread has evolved in a very interesting direction, and although
the discussion is often, I have to admit, much over my head, as being
a, however interested, but none the less, musical amateur. I will not
break this discussion, so I step into the thread via a  side path.

Now I would ask those of you who know LilyPond better than me: is
there some kind of "pre processor" where I can define the chords the
way I understand them. You might call it a context, possibly "my"
context. This may also vary with different music, so maybe you could
call it from some kind of library via an include command in LP.

At the start of this thread I was learned how to modify the output,
printing, of my entered chords (via chordNameExceptions etc.), but it
would be nice, if I also could enter them according to my "context".
So if I think that e.g. Csus means <c f g> it would be fine, if I
could define this once, and then use my definition(s) when entering
the music, instead of, like today, having to enter Csus4 or c:1.4.5,
to not get <c g> which LP says is the definition.

So if anyone knows of such a feature in LP, I would be glad to hear
it. So far at least I have not stumbled over it in my reading the

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