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Re: multi-column markup function/macro?

From: Jan-Peter Voigt
Subject: Re: multi-column markup function/macro?
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:12:31 +0100
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Hi Kieren,

I have extracted the latex-markup commands. At the end of the file is a
little example.
There are three ways to produce the latex source:
1. use a markup-list, which is converted with markup->tex: \xelatex { ... }
2. include a file with tex-content: \xelatexInclude #"<filename>"
3. use a string, probably read from a multiline-comment: \xelatexInclude

The example only uses the third method, because the first seemed to have
a bug and the second would need an extra file.
The latex code is included between \begin/\end{document}, so that the
markup command can calculate the dimensions for the resulting pdf. The
pdf is then split into eps files for each page, which are then included
in the markup-list.

Best, Jan-Peter

On 11.01.2014 21:19, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Jan-Peter,
>> I usually use [xe]latex, to produce the text needed for a preface or
>> foreword. That way I can use latex input with its own commands - in this
>> case: \twocolumn - and use hyphenation.
>> It is integrated in (latex.scm,
>> latex-init.scm). If you are interested, I would extract it.
> In other words, yes, I am interested.  =)
>> If you want format a markup-list - this is, what you are asking for - I
>> would recommend a markup-list-command. To make the n-column-markup-list
>> work correctly, you have to extract the available paper-height. I am
>> doing it in the mentioned xelatex-include command, but it often warns
>> about overflows of a few points - I can live with that, because the
>> overflow is minor, but it seems not to be trivial.
>> If you have the printable paper-height, you can build markups per page.
> If the [xe]latex doesn’t suit — or maybe even if it does — I’ll try building 
> a “native” function.
> Thanks,
> Kieren.

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