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Re: Experiment with an Alternative Notation for learning Guitar music

From: Philip Rhoades
Subject: Re: Experiment with an Alternative Notation for learning Guitar music
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 21:45:28 +1100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.2


On 2014-01-14 07:18, Paul Morris wrote:
Philip Rhoades wrote
OK, got that working - the actual music .ly "data" file is slimming down
now - but I still need to investigate why some notes needed manual
editing so they were in the right place when I converted a Mutopia file.

Hi Phil, If it was just changing the octave of certain notes, and those
notes were in the bass clef, then I think it is probably a matter of
adjusting the clef settings to fit your alternative notation system so that notes in the bass clef land on the staff at the octave where you want them.

Below is what I use in my include file for Clairnote (see It will probably take some adjusting of
the values so that it works for your system.

It modifies both the position of the clef on the staff and the position of middle c relative to the clef (c0-position), and provides a function for
returning the clefs to their traditional values.


% helper function for modifying clef settings
#(define (set-clefs treble-pos treble-c bass-pos bass-c alto-pos alto-c) ;; add-new-clef args: clef-name clef-glyph clef-position octavation
   (add-new-clef "treble" "clefs.G" treble-pos 0 treble-c)
   (add-new-clef "G" "clefs.G" treble-pos 0 treble-c)
   (add-new-clef "violin" "clefs.G" treble-pos 0 treble-c)
   (add-new-clef "bass" "clefs.F" bass-pos 0 bass-c)
   (add-new-clef "F" "clefs.F" bass-pos 0 bass-c)
   (add-new-clef "alto" "clefs.C" alto-pos 0 alto-c)
   (add-new-clef "C" "clefs.C" alto-pos 0 alto-c))

% set (or reset) clef settings for clairnote
#(define (set-clairnote-clefs)
   (let* ((treble-pos -5)
          (treble-c (- -12 treble-pos))
          (bass-pos 5)
          (bass-c (- 12 bass-pos))
          (alto-pos 0)
          (alto-c (- 0 alto-pos)))
      treble-pos treble-c
      bass-pos bass-c
      alto-pos alto-c)))

% automatically modify clef settings when this file is included

% use this function to reset clefs back to traditional settings
% if you want to include music in both traditional notation
% and Clairnote in the same file (i.e. for comparison)
#(define (set-traditional-clefs)
   (let* ((treble-pos -2)
          (treble-c -4)
          (bass-pos 2)
          (bass-c 4)
          (alto-pos 0)
          (alto-c 0))
      treble-pos treble-c
      bass-pos bass-c
      alto-pos alto-c)))

Thanks for this stuff too - I have used it and some of the other feedback to do GNote2.2 - I will post an update soon.

P.S. David Kastrup is one of the main LilyPond developers and he has made a
lot of really nice improvements in the last few years that, among other
things, make it much easier to use Scheme with LilyPond.

Yes, I don't know if you saw it but David kindly did a little script for generating random notes for me - I will make use of this later on.


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW      2001
E-mail:  address@hidden

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