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Re: Supporting my work on LilyPond financially

From: Noeck
Subject: Re: Supporting my work on LilyPond financially
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:14:56 +0100
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Am 30.11.2013 22:10, schrieb David Kastrup:
> Janek Warchoł <address@hidden> writes:
>> The only way that i see in which David influences development is that
>> he doesn't allow bad code during reviews, and it's hard to write good
>> code when there's a lot of bad code and architectural problems already
>> in the codebase (at least that's how the situation looks for me).
> More favorable to me than it looks to me.  I don't really have the time
> and energy for thorough reviews.  And there is a dearth of reviews going
> on, and there is a dearth of expertise.  When we want to get a stable
> release out, there is some code that reeks of being a troublemaker, so
> my reviews end up more similar to an allergic reaction than a
> well-reasoned analysis.

But: »Der Ton macht die Musik« (for non German speakers: it's not what
you say but the way you say it). From my outside perspective it looks to
me as if a lot could be gained in appreciating other people’s work and
putting things as friendly as possible also in cases of disagreement.

Having a clear and agreed procedure of code style, code review,
positions in the team, timelines and strategies for release versions
might help to improve the atmosphere.

I will be quiet now, because I don't want to stir up things that aren't
truly my business on a public list. I appreciate very much all of your
work and I hope very much that the atmosphere in the community can get a
biotope for all developers to work in.


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