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formatting a text before the score

From: olicha
Subject: formatting a text before the score
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:21:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

In order to give the context of a short waltz I wrote for a performance of a
play by Chekhov, I am trying to insert three cues of the play before the score.
Here is my code:
\markup  { \abs-fontsize #12
  \column {
    \vspace #1
    \wordwrap {LIOUBOV On dirait qu'il y a de la musique quelque
part.\italic {(Elle écoute.)}
    \wordwrap {GAÏEV C'est notre fameux orchestre juif. Tu te rappelles,
quatre violons, une flûte et une contrebasse. 
    \wordwrap {LIOUBOV Tiens, il existe toujours! Il faudrait l'inviter, à
l'occasion organiser une petite soirée. 
    \left-align {\line { \italic {Anton Tchekhov}}}

two problems:
- line spacing between two lines of a wrapped line (Gaiev's cue) is bigger
than between independent lines. I cannot find how to modify that.
- I'd like to right align the author's name but writting "right" instead of
"left" just push it further to the left and it gets clipped.

Thank for any help

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