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Re: Fingerings and chords (v2.16.2)

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Fingerings and chords (v2.16.2)
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 16:47:59 -0000

Sorry to keep top-posting - HTML emails and Windows mail make it hard to do otherwise.
If you still have stuff you'd like fixing, could you reduce your example to a tiny example with just these, and send it to bugs?

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: Fingerings and chords (v2.16.2)

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Phil Holmes <address@hidden> wrote:
This has been changed quite a bit in the development  version. Could you try with latest 2.17 and see whether you still have problems?

I just installed 2.17.11 on another computer (apparently it doesn't like to be installed next to 2.16.2 and does not seem to work yet with Frescobaldi) and I see that several problems I posted have disappeared. The fixes in 2.17.11 are a HUGE improvement!!!

I ran convert-ly on my source to upgrade the snippet to 2.17.11.


1. Measures 3 & 7: accidentals and fingerings above / below the fingering sometimes overlap - not a lot but some could find this objectionable. I can live with the way it is rendered now.
2. Mesure 7 (up-left-down) still has two fingerings assigned to the same notehead.

It looks like I can remove a number of fingering positioning tweaks I had in my code, given the substantially improved "out of the box" fingering rendering.

Best regards,


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