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strange output with lilypond book

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: strange output with lilypond book
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:56:18 +0100

Dear community,
when I compile the following file with latex and lilypondbook, it looks quite strange.
There's is a break after every bar of the lilypond example.
I think it has to do with the input-command.
Here is the code of the latex-file:
\title{Examination \Semester }
\date{ \Datummontag }
Name, Vorname:
\textbf{First exercise:}
 \relative { c d e f g2 e  g 4 f e d e2 c }

And this is the code of the file semester.tex

\newcommand{\Semester}{Wintersemester 2012/2013}

For compilation I use the following code:
lilypond-book --pdf \
              --output="$TEMP_DIR" \
              "$1".tex && \
(cd "$TEMP_DIR" && \
 pdflatex "$1".tex && \
 mv "$1".pdf ..) && \
rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"

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