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Re: Displaying "page x of y" in header / footer

From: Olivier Biot
Subject: Re: Displaying "page x of y" in header / footer
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:46:24 +0100

Dear all,

Here's a trick that works better than the trick I posted earlier.

Add the following at the end of the music _expression_ (e.g. after the last note), or in a separate context having the same number of measures as the music you want to engrave:

\label #'theLastPage

Best regards,


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Olivier Biot <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear all,

Replying to myself all I managed to do is the following "hack": add the following sneppet after the last \score {} block:

\label #'theLastPage

\markup \rounded-box { \tiny "" }

Thios empty block displays nothing in the score and seems to solve the problem, although in a rather "hackish" way.

Is there a "proper" way for reaching this?

Best regards,


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Olivier Biot <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear all,

I can't find how to display the total number of pages in a score as part of the page header / footer.

I tried adding a "theLastPage" label at the end of my score but it sometimes is off by one. I sadly cannot create a small snippet that reproduces the off-by one ("page 4 of 3") problem.

Placing a label outside the last score block yields an unresolved label and page reference.

For what it's worth, here's the stencil I'm currently using:

\paper {

oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \hspace #1 \concat { "page " \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string " of " \page-ref #'theLastPage "0" "?" } \hspace #1 }


evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup


Any help is welcome.

Best regards,


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