\version "2.11.38" % taken from http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/Documentation/user/lilypond/New-dynamic-marks#New-dynamic-marks rndf = \markup{ \center-align {\line { \italic ( \dynamic f \italic ) }} } rndp = \markup{ \center-align {\line { \italic ( \dynamic p \italic ) }} } % colla parte music: mus = \relative c' { e4-\rndf f g a-\rndp g f e d} \score{ << % the violin part: \new Staff << \new Voice = vvI << \dynamicDown \mus >> >> % the vocal staff: % Vocal staves should have the dynamics above (so they don't collide with the lyrics!!!) \new Staff << \new Voice = vvII << \dynamicUp \mus >> % <== This does NOT work, i.e. the (p) is still below the staff >> >> }