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Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 15:21:18 +0200
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Peter Terpstra wrote:

Mats Bengtsson in <address@hidden> :

Since NoteEdit generates LilyPond code corresponding to
an old version of LilyPond, you have to upgrade the syntax
using convert-ly (see the manual for details about using

That does not help, but thanks for your answer.
It should certainly help to automatically convert

\set Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\set autoBeaming = ##f
\set Staff.instrument = #"Guitar 1"
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Guitar 1"

Note that the Voice.noAutoBeaming property was renamed
in LilyPond already in LilyPond version 1.5.49, but maybe
the implementors of Noteedit didn't notice this change so
that they used the old syntax even if it says \version "2.8.1"
in the generated .ly file. In that case, you can try to manually
convert-ly --from="1.5.48"
but then you should verify that the conversion steps between
1.5.48 and 2.8.1 does not destroy anything else.


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