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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figures position

From: LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Subject: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figures position
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 15:33:49 +0200

Here's the hole script. I've put in bold what is relative to vertical spacing.

I've understood the mean of \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0), 
but I still have the
figures far above the bass staff... need help !
Idem for the \raise #-20.0 that doesn't push down the mark into the staff 
itself. It seems that it's
impossible to include a special markup within the staff....

\score {
          << \new Staff {
          \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-7.0 . 0.0)

          \property Score.timing = ##f
                    \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                    \clef "petrucci_c3"
                     \relative c' {
          r4_\markup {\translate #(cons -4 0) {\raise #2.0 \italic {Lent}}} 
c^\markup {\italic {e}}
_\markup {\italic {t}} d4.^\markup {\translate #(cons 1
                                   0) {\italic {e}}} e8 \bar"|"
          a,2^\markup {\translate #(cons 2 0) {\italic {e}}}  s4^\markup 
{\raise #-20.0 \musicglyph
#"dots-dot"} gis \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2) r4 e, \bar"|"
          a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
          \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
          \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 
e4 g^\markup {\italic
{e}} \bar"|"
          a,4. f'8 f4 a^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar"|"
          b,2 g'4.^\markup {\italic {e}} (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
          \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown 
e4. \breathe d8)
          \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
          c2 \stemBoth e2^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar "|"
          \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2.^\markup {\italic 
{e}} b8) cis \bar "|"
          \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
          gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
          b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
          r4 c d4.^\markup {\italic {e}} e8 \bar"|"
          a,2.^\markup {\italic {e}} gis!4 \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
          a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
          \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp 
a4. b8 \bar"|"
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
          \clef F {\stemUp a1
          \bar "|."


          \context FiguredBass
          \figures {
          <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
          <7>4 <6>2.
          <6>2 <4+>2
          <5+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
          <4 6>2 <_+>2
          <_>2. <5>4
          <_>2 <6>2
          <_>4 <_> 8 <7->4 <7>4 <6>4
          <4 6>2 <3>2
          <6>2. <6>4
          <_+ 7>2 <_>2
          <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
          <7>4 <6>2.
          <6>2 <4+>2
          <5- 6+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
          <4 6>2 <_+>2


          \new Staff {
          \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0)
          \property Voice.Accidental \set #'style = #'mensural
          \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                      \clef F

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'font-family = #'number

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'font-relative-size = #'-9

          \property Voice.TextScript
          \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2

          \relative c {
          a2. g4
          e2 d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,
          a a'4 e
          f2 d4 d,
          g2 b s16
          c2 f,
          g1 s16
          c,2 c'
          f2. d4
          e2 a,
          e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
          a2. g4
          e2 d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,

     \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
          \paper {

          orientation = landscape
          \translator {
               \consists Custos_engraver
               Custos \override #'style = #'hufnagel
          \midi { \tempo 2=50}

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